Hi @mikedmoore,
A quote from the linked thread:
…the checkbox WON’T be checked at all. The card being saved to the customer account is done without this intervention. – @dougaitken
So, as I understand it, the filter add_filter( ‘wc_stripe_force_save_source’, ‘__return_true’ );
forces the system to save the payment information to my-account no matter if the “Save payment information to my account for future purchases.” checkbox is checked or unchecked.
But that’s not what I’m trying to achieve.
I want to leave the option for my customers to either save their payment information or not.
I would like the checkbox to be checked by default when the customer enters the checkout page but if the customer chooses not to save his payment information, he can just uncheck the checkbox and the payment information will not be saved.
Is that possible?