Save levels button does not work
The save levels button does not work. I’m not getting an error message; the button just does nothing.
Also: The DB tables are created, but they are empty; the only feature that saves data to the tables is the discount code.
The tables are using a custom prefix vs the standard wp prefix.
I am also using PMPRO alongside (integrated with) MasterStudy LMS.
WordPress Version: version: 6.4.2
Database server:
Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
Server type: MySQL
Server connection: SSL is not being used Documentation
Server version: 8.0.35-cll-lve – MySQL Community Server – GPL
Protocol version: 10
Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8mb4)Web server:
Database client version: libmysql – mysqlnd 8.1.25
PHP extension: mysqli Documentation curl Documentation mbstring Documentation
PHP version: 8.1.25Thank you
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