• Resolved goody317


    Hi, is there something wrong using the Lightbox on mobile? Every time I save the images on my iPhone, I go to the Photo Gallery on my mobile and they are pixelated. Is there a way to get the full resolution?

    The only option is enabling download on the lightbox but then saving the images they go through the cloud on my phone and not on my actually photo gallery, so that’s a pain.

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  • Plugin Support beatrice12


    Hello @goody317,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    To solve this issue please edit your gallery > go to General Settings > Image Size > select ‘Custom’ or ‘Full’ > and save. This should fix it.

    Let me know how it goes!

    All the best,


    Thread Starter goody317


    Thanks for the response.

    Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to work.

    Plugin Support beatrice12



    I noticed that you are using our pro version. Please reach out to us via our contact form here as we are not allowed to offer support for our premium versions on this forum.

    We are looking forward to your email!

    Warm regards,


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