Sandbox Theme How To Change Main Nav
Looking for some help on how to change the existing top navigation choices on a website using the Sandbox theme. I want to change the name of one of the existing pages from “painting” to “in progress.”
I have tried changing the page titles and editing the permalinks, but the name change is not showing up.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Hi Jimmy,
- In the editor: Give the article / page the title you wish
- Dashboard > appearance > menus
- Click the menu-item you wish to change related to the page / article [on te down-arrow on the right]
- change the navigation label
- save all changes
- check result
W.P. Ginfo,
Thanks much for your time in replying! The version of Sandbox that is being used, however, does not support the “new” menu function. So, although I understood your suggestion clearly and agreed 100%, it can’t be used because the theme does not natively support Appearance>Menus other than letting you create a custom menu for a sidebar.
Further research is driving me in the direction of having to mess with the PHP or CSS…
Hi Jimmy,
I had a look at ‘sandbox’. The description said:’Rich with powerful and dynamic semantic class selectors, Sandbox is a canvas for CSS artists’. So clearly not the most obvious choice if you don’t like ‘having to mess with the PHP or CSS… ‘
!!More importantly:
This theme was last updated in June 2009.This theme hasn't been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
All in all: It’s time to start a search for a new theme!
Don’t worry it’s painless and surprisingly easy! ??
== == ==
The instructions may LOOK intimidating… but they are this detailed so to help the newbie get the required result.CHANGING THEMES
Changing themes does NOT affect the CONTENT of your site, such as texts, photo’s etc. It only changes the way your site LOOKS and its FUNCTIONALITY [what it can do]. (You may need to change the settings to ‘restore’ the ‘old’ look and feel)
- Open the Dashboard > Appearance > Themes
- Click the Tab INSTALL THEMES
- search by keyword, of tick a number of boxes that show what you need in the new theme > click Find Themes
- Check all results Click ‘details’ and see if your requirements are met
- Have you found a number of ‘definite maybees?’
- Check out the following:
– does it have a large group of users?
– is it updated regularly and recently?
– does it have an active supportgroup? - Click: ‘install now’
- Testdrive the theme; Look around and see if it is as good as you hoped. If not? No problem.
- Remove a theme? Dashboard > Themes > re-activate the previous theme
- Then look for the undesired theme > delete.
- Start a new search for the right theme
You’ll see a list of installed themes
A list of results is shown.
If it’s difficult to find what you’re looking for; Try changing the search criteria / keywords and see what it comes up with
The more ‘yes-es’ the better…
Have you found the right theme? GREAT!
Install and activate it, if you haven’t already [see above]!NOTE!!!
Now before you go and make it your own by changing and adapting it, MAKE a CHILDtheme!!!- Don’t make any changes to a theme itself. Instead make the changes to a CHILDtheme. Should the author of your original theme update the theme, your changes will not be overwritten. Your site with your adaptations will remain intact.
(see: ) - Suggestion: use the ‘one click childtheme plugin’ to create a childtheme. It does what it says, without the risk of syntax-errors.
- How? Dashboard > Plugins >add new >
- Then: Make sure you’ve activated your chosen new ‘parent’ theme
- Click Dashboard > Appearance > Childtheme
- Check if the childtheme is activated! Click Dashboard > Appearance > Themes
- Make the changes in the CHILDtheme!
– copy php files / css-file(s) of the original theme [as required] to the childtheme directory and edit them as required. - Start by setting up the ‘theme options’ [ some themes have many options [better: more flexible] for you to set and tweak, other themes have [very] few]
- make the rest of the changes by changing style.css and PHP-files in the childtheme
- Make regular backups! Make sure you make a backup before you make any changes, so you have a way to restore things…
search ‘one click child theme’ > locate and activate this plugin
Follow the instructions i.e. give the childtheme a name.
You can now safely make changes to your childtheme to make the site just the way you want itWhere to start?
DON’T FORGET help and suggestions from you, W.P. Ginfo! Thanks, again.
While I was aware of Sandbox not being updated for over 2 years, I am not able to do a theme update – although I would like to. The owner of the site for whom I am trying to do some work, will not authorize the update even though the benefits are clear. So I am, indeed, stuck with messing with the PHP and/or CSS.
I really appreciate your time and help and I really liked the reminder about the child theme plugin. Very good.
Best regards!
Hi Jimmy,
Sounds a bit like: ‘caught between a rock and a hard place’.
Give me the url of the site and I’ll have a look. [No promisses though…]Prehaps share these findings with the owner and reassure him / her all will be well?
I just thought of the following:
create either a subdomain [hostingpanel] of a folder [throught FTP] e.g. ‘new_theme’
Create a new site there and then – after approval of the owner- make the switch?Sure thing, here’s the site: Thanks for taking a look at it.
There seems to be a lot of conflicting info about [changing] permalinks. This seems like a ‘minefield of unexpected outcomes’ to me. Mind you I have not been able [nor am I eager to] test this!
After reading a bit I come to the following suggestions:
Make a backup of your site!!- Use FTP to backup the files.
- !!!!!! Make sure to also backup your database.
- duplicate the ‘in progress’-page >>> MAKE SURE you give the duplicate page the correct permalink [also ‘in progress’] NOTE: you have only one shot to get it right it seems.
- in the edit page screen <move to trash> the ‘in progress-page with the incorrect permalink’
- Dashbord > Pages > all pages: Above the list of pages are three links: all (4) | published (3)| trash (1)
- click trash; delete all from the trash can
If all is well you should have a success.
…Make sure you clear the cache of your browser.
I will check it out. Thanks again!
By the way, feel free to email me at cigventure [at] gmail-dot-com. I would like to ask you a non-wordpress question if you have time.
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