• i was visiting pande.tk..
    his address doesn’t change no matter where u click, it always stays at pande.tk
    i would like to implement the same feature on my site, because my address goes from index.php to index?aslrjllas.php to /fjwa/weroiw/index.php etc etc etc
    and i found them really messy
    making it stay at one place would be much neater,,, any ideas? I would appreciate ur advices…
    thank you very much, and I LOVE WP, letting me newbies like me develop impressive websites..

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  • Just use a frameset and put all the stuff into one big frame. This way the shown URL always stays the same. In the case of pande.tk it’s rather a side-effect of the redirection to his actual webspace.

    Yeh, Impluz is right.
    I requested a freedomain from dot.tk .. So when u click on https://pande.tk
    It will redirect to your actual webspace and nice thing about it is, the adressbar stays constant i.e, always it will show https://pande.tk .

    If you keep the URL the same, search engines will not be able to index your site. Frames are not a recommended way of building websites. I can hear an uproar coming…. ??

    Yeah… it’s confusing always having the address bar the same – user think they’re on your home page when in actuality, they’re someplace else entirely. With domains costing as little as $6US a year now, and with free services like mydomain.com, there’s really no point to use free domain redirectors anymore…

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