It looks like you are hoping to encode all the sale details in a barcode. While this is possible in theory, the resulting barcode would be so long it is unlikely to be practical to read it. For this reason the barcode only includes the TransactionID and sale details have to be obtained from the MySQL database on your webserver.
The facility to search for a sale TransactionID and display the sale details is already provided in StageShow. (StageShow+ extends this by providing the TransactionID as a barcode so a Barcode reader can be used to read and input the value).
Two methods can be used: online and offline.
The online method is documented under the “Validate Sale” section in the help file.
The offline method is less well documented. An “Offline Validator” is downloaded using the button in the Export section on the Tools admin page, and saved. This download includes a copy of the sales database at the time it is downloaded, and when loaded into a browser can be used to validate tickets and display sale details. This will run faster than the online version, but can only store details of tickets have been validated as long as it remains open … if the web page is closed all records of validations will be lost.