• Resolved Jai


    after activating the WC Marketplace ,

    vendor uploading a new product regular price only shows to visitor, sale price not visible to visitor

    kindly help me regarding this

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  • Thread Starter Jai


    payment method not shows in vendor invoice

    Hi @trimastir, in order to remove the fields, you have to override the “vendor-new-order.php” template file by by copying it to yourtheme/dc-product-vendor/emails/vendor-new-order.php

    Let us know if you have any further query.

    @trimastir, in the vendor order email, we only display the shipping method, because vendor gets their payment from the admin.

    Now, if you want to display the payment method’s name, you have to override the email template vendor-new-order.php and add this.

    Thread Starter Jai


    1. after woocommerce my account registration it will redirect to vendor registration page

    how to remove this redirects, i need it will redirect to my account page for customer not apply to become a vendor page

    2. vendor registration page shows below error

    Error: Passwords do not match.

    Hi @@trimastir, add the following code to the function.php

    function wcmp_init_func(){
     global $WCMp;
     remove_action('template_redirect', array( $WCMp->frontend, 'template_redirect'));
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'template_redirect_func' );
    function template_redirect_func() 
    if (is_user_logged_in() && is_page_vendor_registration()) 

    Regarding the password error, we don’t add any such field. So, some plugin might add this field.

    Thread Starter Jai


    thanks for your response

    You are welcome @trimastir

    Thread Starter Jai


    i have installed Min Max Quantities For WooCommerce plugin

    in vendor dashboard there is no option available for min and max quantity

    Thread Starter Jai


    i need another one help

    by default how to redirect vendor to the backend dashboard without going to the front end dahsboard

    because in backend dashboard only shows the Min Max Quantities

    front end dashboard not shown,, so pls check on this do the needful ASAP…..

    @@trimastir, in order to direct the vendor to the backend, when they will login, add the following code to the function.php of the current active theme :

    add_filter('login_redirect', 'wp_wcmp_vendor_login_redirect', 99, 3);
    function wp_wcmp_vendor_login_redirect($redirect_to, $requested_redirect_to, $user) 
      //is there a user to check?
          if (isset($user->roles) && is_array($user->roles)) {
              //check for vendor
              if (in_array('dc_vendor', $user->roles)) {
                  // redirect them to the default place
                  Return 'https://demo.dualcube.com/wordpress/wp1013/wp-admin/';
    add_filter('woocommerce_login_redirect', 'wcmp_vendor_login_redirect', 99, 2);
    function wcmp_vendor_login_redirect($redirect_to, $user){
           if (isset($user->roles) && is_array($user->roles)) {
               //check for vendor
               if (in_array('dc_vendor', $user->roles)) {
                   // redirect them to the default place
                   Return 'https://demo.dualcube.com/wordpress/wp1013/wp-admin/';

    Regarding “Min Max Quantities” plugin, it seems like this plugin is not compatible with WC Marketplace.

    In order to display the fields of Min Max Quantities in the vendor add product page also, you have to do coding level customization. If you need the name of the hook/filter, that you need for this custom code, let us know.

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