10up – the engineering team behind sites like TechCrunch.com and Grandland.com – is proud to announce our solution is now available to the public:
While there’s certainly room for multiple players in the market, we think our WordPress expertise and experience with big publishers makes our solution the most reliable, trusted option – with the best pricing.
We’re already running on major brands like 9to5mac.com and Edelman.com, with brands like Deadline.com and GigaOM coming online in a matter of days. We’ve already pushed over 17 million notifications in our 3 months of beta testing, delivering over 125,000 notifications to 9to5mac subscribers within 5 minutes of delivering new posts.
Our UX is also unobtrusive – as you might expect for a team that employs more than 25 core WordPress contributors.
We’d love your feedback, and hope you’ll check out our solution.