• For some reason, I can’t log in to my blog using Safari. I can using Firefox, so I know my password is fine. I’ve tried “Reset Safari…” and even manually trashing prefs, etc. to no avail.

    I am using WP2.0 (which is simply wonderful), and I have logged in to it with the same browser on the same machine before. I think it may have been the 10.4.4 update which updated Safari.

    Wait. I take it back. I just tried on a 10.4.3 machine with the same result. Firefox is fine, Safari fails. The way it fails is:

    – I fill in the correct name/pass, click “remember me” (or not) and click “Login >>”

    – I seem to “pass” as I get redirected to /wp-admin/

    – After a moment, I get redirected again to /wp-login.php?redirect_to=…

    So this is two separate Macs running 10.4.3 and 10.4.4 failing Safari but working for Firefox. Anyone else seen this? Any ideas?

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