• After wordpress update to 4.4 and s2m update to 150925, s2m wp admin area does not appear.

    Also Paypal display this error message: “The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details.”
    It`s my first serious trouble with s2m plugin during 3 years.

    Any suggestion appreciated


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  • I’m not having this problem, and I guess others aren’t either, otherwise they’d be reporting here. So I suspect that the real problem is either (a) something went wrong with your upgrade to WP 4.4, or (b) another plugin (or maybe your theme) is causing a conflict.

    I’d suggest you first try reinstalling the WP update.

    I’m having a similar problem vax. I can’t accept customers right now. I haven’t really touched anything

    Thread Starter vax


    Find a solution. There is a manual to change paypal account settings: Link
    It works for me. But Im not sure its a good idea to ignore encryption function at all.

    PS. Probably, s2member wp admin area recovered itself.

    Updated S2M and pro as instructed, and one of them broke the css for all the dashboard in WP — think it was the Pro update I did next. No data shows in the Users area for users associated w/S2M.

    “EGIN s2Member GZIP exclusions” phrase is stuck up at the top.

    All appears to still “function” otherwise, including roles and capabilites.

    Is there a fix patch coming soon?

    Updated to 4.4 as well. Did all of above.


    Plugin Contributor Raam Dev


    “EGIN s2Member GZIP exclusions” phrase is stuck up at the top.

    That sounds like there might have been an issue writing to your root .htaccess file (the one in the same directory as your wp-config.php file). s2Member adds the following to that file:

    # BEGIN s2Member GZIP exclusions
    <IfModule rewrite_module>
    	RewriteEngine On
    	RewriteBase /
    	RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|\?|&)s2member_file_download\=.+ [OR]
    	RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|\?|&)no-gzip\=1
    	RewriteRule .* - [E=no-gzip:1]
    # END s2Member GZIP exclusions

    If that entry somehow got corrupted, it could be causing problems with your site.

    I did check and reset the .htaccess placement area, and it corrected the EGIN top error.

    But nothing else. Still no S2M info in the users area for anyone.

    Plugin Contributor Raam Dev


    Still no S2M info in the users area for anyone.

    Did you click the “Screen Options” button at the top right of the Users page and make sure that the checkboxes for the s2Member info are checked? If those are not checked, that info will not appear on the page.

    I just upgraded to WordPress 4.4.

    I am having the same issue as OP – I can no longer accept paid subscribers.

    When I click on the Paypal button I get the following error message:

    “The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details.”

    Please fix this. I paid good money for the pro plugin.

    Plugin Contributor Raam Dev


    @wpuser10603 If you are an s2Member Pro user, please open a support ticket for priority support.

    Regarding button encryption: Inside s2Member → PayPal Options → PayPal Account Details → Enable Button Encryption, is that set to Yes? If not, please try setting it to yes.

    Upgraded a client and their website now says

    No data received


    just by going to the home page

    We upgraded to WordPress 4.4 on Friday and over the weekend it was brought to our attention that customers could not access their membership or pay for any items. when checking the backend found that S2member plugin has been removed. Have no idea what to do to get it back!! Can anyone help??


    If you had Plugin Deletion Safeguards set to Yes, then you should just need to reinstall s2Member. Otherwise you are going to need to turn to a backup.


    Did you click the “Screen Options” button at the top right of the Users page and make sure that the checkboxes for the s2Member info are checked? If those are not checked, that info will not appear on the page.

    Thank you. Yes, all the screen options are always checked there. I resaved it all just in case.

    Any and all information that is usually shown in the table when you on click Users is empty. All of the normal WordPress User data shows in the table (Username, Name, Email, Role,Posts, Comments) But not S2’s data. The column Head row shows S2M’s properly labeled: Registration Date Paid Subscr. ID Custom Capabilities EOT Time # Of Logins Last Login Time

    No data under those column heads – just blank. It all used to be there before the S2M update.

    Odd for sure.

    I believe there is a ticket now open in your Pro support for this. Thank you.


    Since nothing else had been touched before updating S2M and then “seeing” this problem. I disabled one of the plugins that had already worked fine with the last version…. the User data magically reappeared.

    Admin Commenters Comments Count v. 1.6 – by Scott Riley



    I have found that Admin Commenters Comments Count is problematic at the best of times. Try doing this instead. Create a text file. You can call it what you want, so long as it ends with .php

    Then paste in the code below, save, and upload to your mu-plugins folder.

    function count_user_comments( $userid ) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$count = $wpdb->get_var(
    		'SELECT COUNT( comment_id ) FROM '. $wpdb->comments .'
    		WHERE user_id = '.$userid.'
    		AND comment_approved = "1"
    		AND comment_type NOT IN ("pingback", "trackback" )'
    	// handle no comments by user
    	if( $count === '0' ) $count = apply_filters( 'admin_no_user_comments', '0' );
    	return apply_filters('admin_get_user_comment_count', $count, $userid);
    function add_comment_admin_column( $columns ) {
    	$columns['comment_count_by_user'] = 'Comments';
    	return $columns;
    add_filter( 'manage_users_columns', 'add_comment_admin_column' );
    function comment_count_content( $custom_column, $column_name, $user_id ) {
    	switch( $column_name ) {
    		case 'comment_count_by_user':
    		return count_user_comments( $user_id );
    add_action( 'manage_users_custom_column', 'comment_count_content', 10, 3 );
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