russian lang issues
#: src/Tribe/Template/Single_Event.php:119 msgid "This %s has passed." msgstr "Это %s прошло."
In russian it seems as “Это event прошло.” It’s not hardcoded in Single_Event.php, but somewhere translation is missed.
2. Googlemaps won’t find any address if the country is “Russian Federation” (“Российская Федерация”) instead of “Russia” (“Россия”). Please, don’t ask me why. It just works with Russia (had to change it in .mo and .po files) when you click on “+ Карта Google”. Otherwise “not found any address”.
3. geoffgraham saw it, but just in case:
/src/functions/template-tags/loop.php str 152
esc_html__( '%1$s for %2$s', 'the-events-calendar' ),
“for” is hardcoded yet.
#: src/views/list/nav.php:26 msgid "Previous %s" msgstr "" #: src/views/list/nav.php:34 msgid "Next %s" msgstr ""
are not translated yet (but in GlotPress they are).
#: src/functions/template-tags/loop.php:147 msgid "Past %s" msgstr "Вставить %s" #: src/functions/template-tags/loop.php:131 msgid "Upcoming %s" msgstr "Скоро %s"
are incorrect, but it’s impossible to rewrite or approve correct translations in GlotPress for me. It’s translated as: Past as Paste, Upcoming as Soon. It’s not about that at all.
In many cases good translations are yellow in Glot Press. Bad are green and are in production. Sometimes green are not from russian at all.
It’s not a problem to change all of that for me. But it would be good if people could enjoy it out of the box at once.Cheers.
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