Thank you for reporting this error to us. We also sent a reply to the bug report you’ve sent via Prime Mover contact form. Please check on it as well so you can send us the error log details.
Basically, Prime Mover does not require high memory or timeout requirement since it will automatically adjust these parameters based on it’s environment. There are times on extreme cases that this can affect the process. This will shown on the error log report.
However it would be worth trying to restore on a fresh WordPress installation by clearing database, uploads folder, plugins/themes to see if that helps:
- Start with a fresh WordPress installation, you can use WordPress Reset plugin to reset your database to a fresh installation
- Delete all files in your
if its not important since this will be entirely replaced with the migrated package files.
- Delete all plugins in
as they will be replaced with the plugin files from the package except Prime Mover plugin.
- Switch to default WordPress theme (2020 for example
- Now activate Prime Mover plugin only.
- Restore the package directly from WordPress admin since it’s faster and safer than using upload, please follow this tutorial.
That’s it, please let me know if that works. If you can still see the runtime error; please reply to the bug report we’ve sent via the contact us form and provide the error log details to it. We will then check what’s causing it. Thanks ??