• jtheile


    I installed RunPHP at my WP 1.5. RunPHP is the latest version (1.2b3) from nosc or from wp-plugins.org. I tried both. According to several posts in this board it is supposed to work with posts and pages in 1.5. Unfortunately not for me.

    I followed all the instructions and the right order but all that I get in the output is simply my PHP code. <?php echo 'Hallo Welt!'; ?> in the post returns <p><?php echo 'Hallo Welt!'; ?></p> in the output.

    Did anyone of you encounter these problems and finally got it running?

    I appreciate any help.


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  • gb_


    you’ve checked the eval() Content box under the Allow Pings in the edit page?

    Thread Starter jtheile


    Yes, I did.

    It seems to me that the plugin is momentarily doing nothing, because there are no error messages at all.




    From the plugin site:

    Some web hosts disable PHPa€?s eval() function if you are using PHP as a module and not as a CGI. (I believe Dreamhost does this.) If this is the case you will have to switch over the the method that allows PHP to execute its eval() function.

    Perhaps its something to do with your host?



    I installed the php plugin and I don’t even see the eval() Content check box under the Allow Pings on the edit page.

    Does anyone know why this is so? The plugin shows up and is activated too. A real mystery. I’m running 1.5 also.

    –Dave Kuehne



    Maybe you have to save the post first before you can enable this option. I know other plugins require you to at least save it as a draft first before their options will show up.



    Saving as a “draft” does not fix the problem.
    BTW I’m sitting in a “draft.” Oh well on a hunch I decided to try this same plugin on my local machine (OSX) and the check mark shows up. It’s the exact same copy of the plugin–so….. it must be that my hosting server doesn’t allow this (but then why won’t it even show up on the editing page?) or there is something different on my live WordPress site. Hmm… I’m sure it’s the same 1.5 build.

    –dave kuehne

    Thread Starter jtheile


    thanks for the replies.
    Well, eval() works with my webhoster. I wrote a test file by myself and it is eval’d correctly. The tick box also appears and if ticked the value is properly set in the database for that.

    So everything seems to be fine unless the PHP code is not parsed.


    I’ve been able to get the contact form to display correctly but whenever I try and submit I get an error: “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.” Anyone else had this problem?

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