• Hi there

    I have the evnets calendar plugin and I just want to know how I run what is intended for the sidebar, but in a main page.

    <?php sidebarEventsCalendar();?> is the php for it – i just want this exact thing – but on the page itself (I dont have a sidebare on the apge I want to put it)

    ANy ideas?


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  • If you want to have it on the front page edit index.php and use the same code
    <?php sidebarEventsCalendar();?>
    if you have a different page as home page then you need to add it in the template file for the page.

    if you want it to appear on every post edit single.php and add the code.

    if you want it on every page edit page.php and add the same code.

    you may need to change the css to make it look better in your theme…

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