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  • Thread Starter Amir


    1- I found out that you have arabic language, is it possible to add persian language as well?

    2- Ultimate Member integration

    3- Mycred Integration

    4- Is it possible commenting anonymously?

    5- Provide comment voting (not just liking) negative and positive voting I mean.

    6- You wrote an article and compared disqus to muut, Is it possible compare it to wpdiscuz az well?

    Plugin Author Paul Hughes


    Hi there!

    Happy to help out. ?? Currently we don’t have support for Persian, although if you would like to contribute a translation for it, I can definitely get you set up to do that. Let me know!

    Ultimate Member should work just fine with our Federated Identities setup. Any plugin that is build on the WordPress user management system should play just fine with Muut. If not, we almost definitely can figure out how to get it going on that.

    We don’t have a “voting” or points system (also as applies to Mycred), as we feel that linear and chronologically based conversation is crucial to easy-to-follow online discussion. This section of our Manifesto talks about why we think that is important in more detail. You may want to check out the rest of the Manifesto as well, which talks about our core values and why we do what we do. ??

    We also don’t have anonymous commenting built in, as we feel the legitimacy of a conversation is quickly compromised with such a setup (again, check out the Manifesto ?? ). With a little bit of custom code, you could use the Federated Identities to create “anonymous” users automatically, but the good news is that creating an account through Muut (if you are not using Federated Identities) takes about 15 seconds, and you never have to refresh a page. So, users can actually comment faster with an actual account than if they had to fill in the standard “anonymous commenting” form that WordPress comes with. ??

    We haven’t specifically written a comparison to the wpDiscuz plugin, but if you want to compare, I’d recommend just setting up one or the other first, and then trying the other out and decide for yourself. ?? Better that than taking someone else’s word for it, hehe.

    Let me know if you have any other questions or need any other help!

    Thread Starter Amir


    Thank you so much Paul ??
    About the voting, I did not mean to change the order of comments, for now you have like button after each button, I think its better to add dislike as well.

    About points, I dont think that be against your values. You dont need to provide point system, You have to only make compatible your plugin with “Mycred” . The more the users comment, the more points they get.

    You can even make compatible your plugin with “Postmatic” .

    Anyway, your plugin is really top notch and changing the game! I hope you save the world from ugly disqus!

    Plugin Author Paul Hughes


    Hey, my pleasure!

    I’ll run the dislike button by the team, although I have a feeling (and on my personal opinion, hehe) that in general adding the negative reinforcement doesn’t contribute to the discussion. That said, I’d be very interested in hearing why you think it would be a great feature to have. We’re always looking to get new input on things, although we do tend to be (intentionally) selective when it comes to features that are directly in relation to the conversation experience. Anyway, would love to hear how it would add value for your community. ??

    Regarding Mycred, if you’re code-savvy, you could theoretically implement something like this using our Webhooks functionality. Our WordPress plugin actually is already built to interact with the Webhooks for its advanced widgets functionality (Trending Topics and Latest Comments). It’s built so that it is possible to hook into the various Webhook events that can come through, and you could then hook into those events (like to the ‘reply’ event) directly to a system like Mycred. So, it actually is totally possible, especially with our extensible WP plugin, but since it’s a pretty specific implementation, it isn’t something we’d be likely to develop internally at this point. That said, if you do decide to try going that route, let me know! I’m happy to point you in the direction of the pieces of our plugin that allow you to hook into the Webhook events so you could build something that plugs in yourself. Who knows, other people might want it and use it as well! ??

    Stoked that you like Muut and our plugin—welcome to the community! If you have any other questions or want some help, feel free to let me know, and the WordPress Channel on our own forum is an excellent place to check out what others have done, and to post questions on your end too, if you’d prefer that to here. Of course, I’m also available at paul [at] muut [dot] com.

    Meanwhile, Happy Muuting!

    Thread Starter Amir


    That’s perfect Paul, thank you so much for information.

    haha ?? Happy Muuting ??

    Plugin Author Paul Hughes


    My pleasure! ??

    Thread Starter Amir


    Hello again Paul. I compared a bit more two plugins. And here is the list that I want to know the answers if I want to use muut. Because till now wpdiscuz provide most of these features. I know some of them maybe against your values, but as a user, I dont care about the values of the company which I use their plugin but I care about features they provide. and I know also some of them can be implemented by changing codes by myself but I prefer use a prepare package rather than paying more to desiner to make it. And sorry about the duplicate questions with previous comments, because I need to know the certain answer to move on. I need only short answer such as yes, no, will be added in future and wont be added. Thanks a lot for your time.

    1- Is there any live notification system in the site? (except email notification)
    2- Is there an option for setting maximum levels depth in threading view?
    3- Is it possible to add thumbs up and down icons, not heart?
    4- Is it possible to add a sharing option for comments?
    5- Is it possible to add anonymously commenting feature? Because in Iran, the country I live in, 80 percent of people prefer to comment anonymously due to dictatorship.
    6- Is it possible to add postmatic integration?
    7- Is it possible to follow only replies to my comment?
    8- Is it possible to add Mycred integration and let users gain points by commenting? If your plugin overrides the default wordpress system, so I think Mycred should work fine.
    9- Is it possible to add ultimate member integration? use the logged in users information and picture.
    10- Is using SSO a free feature or we have to pay?
    11- Maybe its not a bad idea to make your roadmap visible for users by usuing .

    Plugin Author Paul Hughes


    Hiya! No problem. I’ll try to be brief without sacrificing clarity. ??

    1: New posts and users typing will show in real-time for all users, but there isn’t another “notification system” unless you wanted to listen to the json-rpc events or use webhooks to create one. Curious what you mean though, if not that. ??
    2: No, threaded commenting only nests one level, and forum threads are on-level deep and displayed in chronological order.
    3: You could definitely change what the heart icon is, using CSS and a different font (or to add an image), but adding a “minus” or “thumbs down” won’t be added at this point.
    4: Already there. ?? Top-right corner of the post or thread has a three-bar icon—click that to share.
    5: Anonymous commenting is not supported out of the box, but is possible to implement by using your own Federated Identities code. So, short answer “no”, long answer, “sure, with just a little bit of custom code.”
    6: Which aspects are you wanting to integrate with? Email notifications are already a part of Muut, but I can answer better if you can specify which things you’re needing integrated.
    7: Not sure what you mean—the individual threads are flat, so replies aren’t directed to one specific post or another…
    8: You would have to add custom code to trigger Mycred events by using Muut webhooks. Like I say, that would not be too difficult to do, if you’re a bit code-savvy.
    9: Like I said before, it should work fine—my advice would be to try, and I can help you if any specific pieces don’t work out of the box (sometimes a couple lines of code are necessary to pull avatars from different plugins—happy to help).
    10: Federated Identities (SSO) is part of our Small Plan, you can see the details of our pricing for premium plans here.
    11: Not a bad idea! We do have our releases page, which talks about many of our upcoming features, and is updated when we make new releases. Our internal priorities are constantly shifting, however, so we do keep our options open rather than detailing specific plans and orders. Often a new feature someone wants that makes sense will be easy to implement and fast, and so we will do it quickly even if it wasn’t part of the plan. Other times, features may take more work and affect very few communities, and so our priorities reflect that. It all just depends on a multitude of factors, but we try to keep our team agile so that changes can be made quickly and changes to our plans can also be made without too much trouble. Better for everyone! ??

    Hope that clears things up for you; let me know if not!

    To diverge a tad from my more brief answers, I just want to hit up one point. I totally understand your needs for specific features and functions—no solution is going to be perfect for everyone, including Muut. I would just want to add, before signing out, that our values and Mission aren’t just things that we think are important or “good” (although many of them are), but really things that we genuinely believe (and have evidenced in many, many communities) increase the quality of online discussion. We’re intentionally not a “feature factory”, but have created (and are continuing to create) a platform where facilitating great conversation itself is at the center of all our design decisions, rather than creating as many features as we can to “compete” with other more traditional systems. We aren’t trying to compete with other them; we’re trying to do online discussion over again, so it is fast and easy, and in a way that the actual design encourages great conversation. I know this is getting sales-pitchy, but I’m really just trying to make sure our mission is clear, also for anyone else reading this support thread down the road, even if Muut isn’t perfect for your needs. ??

    tl;dr on that last paragraph, for others reading: Check out our Manifesto.

    Let me know if you need any more clarification or help getting set up! Remember that when you start a community, all premium features are automatically enabled for 14 days, no funny business or anything, so you can try the Federated Identities and playing with Webhooks if you want without having to sign on for anything, even though those are part of the premium plans, if you decide to upgrade after that.


    Thread Starter Amir


    Woow, Paul you are great. Thanks a lot for your information and your time. You make me more clear. Your plugin is great and I enjoy commenting in your site by muut because its cool and feels good, it’s very clean. I wish you the best ??

    Plugin Author Paul Hughes


    My pleasure! And the best to you and all your projects as well! ??

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