Hi @tarekelnemrawy ,
Yes, they have released an update yesterday still the RTL compatibility is not yet fixed for the above options. They might be not interested in this query. Do the following steps to resolve the issue temporarily and you will lost this change on the next update. So repeat the same after every update.
RTL parameter under SLICK function is not enabled for AR language.
1) Go to /wp-content/plugins/getwid/vendors/slick/slick and rename the existing JS file named “slick.min.js” to some other name.
2) Make a copy of “slick.js” and rename it to “slick.min.js” (you can minify it after edit if necessary). Then, add below codes to “slick.min.js”.
3) Add this condition to top of the file:
if(window.location.href.indexOf(“/ar/”) > -1) { swrtl = true; } else { swrtl = false; }
4) Now, under Slick() function replace the parameter “rtl: false” with “rtl: swrtl”.
Done! Hope this helps.