• Resolved burnuser


    With Plugin “Responsive Table Layout” active, the Layout of regular Posts with custom Shortcodes (without RTL content) is effected in a bad way.

    e.g. WP Cancas Shortcodes
    [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]

    Sample Content

    [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]

    Sample Content


    … the two Sample Contents should be in the same line without RTL, but are NOT (1st is deeper) with RTL active!

    e.g. Shortcodes Ultimate
    [su_spoiler title=”Spoiler title” style=”fancy”] Spoiler content [/su_spoiler]
    [su_spoiler title=”Spoiler title” style=”fancy”] Spoiler content [/su_spoiler]
    [su_spoiler title=”Spoiler title” style=”fancy”] Spoiler content [/su_spoiler]

    … the space beween spoilers is much bigger with RTL active!

    The only workaround I have found is to remove linebrakes within the shortcode-blocks, but that is not obvious and should not be necessary!

    The Shortcode-Plugins are very popular and if RTL has a bad influence, most users would delete RTL and not the shortcodes.


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  • Plugin Author Maarten Menten


    Hi Burnuser,

    I did some test:

    Table Layout disables the automatic creation of paragraphs.


    when you copy & paste the shortcodes via the visual mode paragraphs <p> and line breaks <br> are also added (you see them when you switch to text mode).

    you can prevent this by pasting them via the text mode.

    when you insert the shortcodes via the Insert shortcode button (Shortcodes Ultimate).
    the paragraphs and breaks wont be added.



    Thread Starter burnuser


    Hi Maarten,

    In Shortcodes Ultimate for an accordion I use copy & paste from the examples page, because I find the the button solution for this function not very helpful.
    And yes, a workaround to solve this is possible, but it should work also with copy & paste like advised by Shortcodes Ultimate!

    And the workaround in WP Canvas Shortcodes is a lot more tricky, because removing the linebreaks kills some formatting (text-align: justify) which I need!

    And not only for me, but also for WordPress trainings for beginners.

    So what I need to know from you: Can I expect a solution in RTL (in the near future) that ensures a normal usage of Shortcodes Ultimate and WP Canvas Shortcodes without the need of any workarounds?

    Plugin Author Maarten Menten


    Hello burnuser,

    I disabled the automatic generation of html paragraphs and newlines.
    The WordPress editor also does not include them by default.

    The plugins mentioned above (and maybe many more) are not expecting those elements.

    The issue if fixed in the latest available version (1.5.4)



    Thread Starter burnuser


    Hello Maarten,
    there must be something else. The effect is unchanged!
    I have updated RTL (and in a second try deinstalled and reinstalled including database update), but it’s the same issue:
    With RTL active there are the same problems as before. (It seems, that an empty extra line is shown before the beginning of each rendered shortcode-block on the page.)
    RTL deactivated: it works normal!
    But both changes in display are only visible after editing the page again with insertation of an additional shortcode. (Without editing and only reload of the page, there is no change in layout visible.)
    But the result is: if RTL is active it is still not possible to work with both shortcodes as expected!

    That is a problem, that must be solved. Leaving the regular work with standard visual WP-Editor untouched is the big point of your tool!

    Thread Starter burnuser


    Have made a test with SiteOrigin:

    Columns (WP-Canvas Shortcodes) inside SiteOrigin Columns does not work (reasonable), but the function in regular pages (not using SiteOrigin) is untouched and works regular!

    Accordions (Shortcodes Ultimate) have the same effect as RTL within SiteOrigin:
    Extraline with Copy&Paste, regular with Button insertation, but the function in regular pages (not using SiteOrigin) is untouched and works regular!

    So, SiteOrigin seems to work like RTL within the table-layout. But – essential difference – does not effect the work in standard editor outside the page builder.

    Plugin Author Maarten Menten


    Hi Burnuser,

    can you send me 2 urls?
    one where Table layout is used and one without the Table Layout?



    Thread Starter burnuser


    Hi Maarten,

    I have 2 screenshots for you:

    1. without RTL (Plugin deactivated)
    2. with RTL active

    on WP 4.4.2, Theme: Twenty Sixteen

    We are still having issues with the plugin, I have uploaded a new video showing you the issues. Please get this fixed. Your account is still good.


    Plugin Author Maarten Menten


    Hi burnuser,

    It would be great if you could give me an url so I can check the styling.

    Can you give me an url please?

    Thank you,


    Thread Starter burnuser


    Hi Maarten,

    the requested url: https://wptestserver.byethost33.com/rtl-active/

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