• Hi im trying to set up RssFetch but im slightly confused and when I enter things it always says “Initializing ticker…”

    please help me to fill in.

    This is the code:

     Get, cache, and output contents of a RSS XML file
     Author: George at JavaScriptKit.com/ DynamicDrive.com
     Created: Feb 5th, 2006. Updated: Feb 5th, 2006
    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Enter list of possible RSS feeds to fetch inside array:
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    "BBC" => "https://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml"
    $cachefolder="cache"; //path to cache directory. No trailing "/". Set permission to read/write!
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Determine which RSS file to actually fetch
    // Based on the value of the "id" parameter of the URL string mapping to the RSS array's key
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    $rssurl=isset($rsslist[$rssid])? $rsslist[$rssid] : die("Error: Can't find requested RSS in list.");
    $localfile=$cachefolder. "/" . urlencode($rssurl); //Name cache file based on RSS URL
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get the minutes to cache the local RSS file based on "cachetime" parameter of URL string
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    $cacheminutes=(int) $_GET["cachetime"]; //typecast "cachetime" parameter as integer (0 or greater)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // fetchfeed() gets the contents of an external RSS feed,
    // and saves its contents to the "cached" file on the server
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    function fetchfeed(){
       global $rssurl, $localfile;
       $contents=file_get_contents($rssurl); //fetch RSS feed
       $fp=fopen($localfile, "w");
       fwrite($fp, $contents); //write contents of feed to cache file
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // outputrsscontent() outputs the contents of a RSS feed using the cached local RSS file
    // It checks if a cached version of the RSS feed is available, and if not, creates one first.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    function outputrsscontent(){
       global $rssurl, $localfile, $cacheminutes;
       if (!file_exists($localfile)){ //if cache file doesn't exist
          touch($localfile); //create it
          chmod($localfile, 0666);
          fetchfeed(); //then populate cache file with contents of RSS feed
       else if (((time()-filemtime($localfile))/60)>$cacheminutes) //if age of cache file great than cache minutes setting
       readfile($localfile); //return the contents of the cache file

    what do i do in the section where it says $cachefolder=”cache”; //path to cache directory. No trailing “/”. Set permission to read/write!

    I created a folder called “cachefolder” with permission 777, but i entered the URL for it as “/wp-content/cachefolder”

    Looks simple but im lost.

    Please help me.


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