• I’m trying to display a RSS feed from another website. I’m using the RSS Widget that came with 2.8. But I keep getting this error:
    RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: 111: Connection refused

    Can you guys point me in the wright direction? I tried Googling it and did a search here, but I can’t find anything that can help me.

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  • thats pretty self-explanatory.

    whats the url to the feed youre trying to grab?

    Thread Starter biv


    For example: https://www.veldwerkmedia.nl/svnec/?feed=rss2

    It’s the feed from it’s own test-adress. Or this one: https://www.forzanec.nl/rss/rss.asp

    I’m not a programmer obviously. It looks pretty self-explanatory indeed, but since it doesn’t even wants to show it’s own feed I’m confused…

    im not following what you provided — im sorry.

    what feed are you trying to grab? not examples unless it happens on EVERY feed.


    Where are you seeing the error? Is it in the admin where you set up the feed or on the front end of your site?

    Thread Starter biv


    Strange, it will display the feed from this thread. It shows the 111 error with the 2 feeds mentioned above (https://www.veldwerkmedia.nl/svnec/?feed=rss2 and https://www.forzanec.nl/rss/rss.asp). The last one I eventually want to show:

    This is the testadres: https://www.veldwerkmedia.nl/svnec

    Error shows up in the RSS widget in the admin and on the front end of the site. Check the link above.

    TestRSS2 is working because that feed has content in it.

    The first two feeds you added are not displaying because they are pointing at your own blog installation which has no posts to show.

    Thread Starter biv


    I don’t understand. Can you explain in more detail?

    Both the feeds have content. The first one contains the ‘Hello world!’ post and the second one, the one I want to display, shows 25 titles and sentences. I use IE7 to look at the feeds directly, that’s where I see the 25 titles and stuff.

    You have the same feed twice and it’s pointing at your own blog instead of an outside source.

    Maybe I could help if I understood exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Are you trying to bring in outside feeds to display on your site?

    Thread Starter biv


    Yes, that’s correct. I want to display the forzanec.nl feed on my test-adress.

    Now I see what you mean. Somehow the textlink points to the test-adress, but the RSS icons in front of the RSS title contains the correct links!

    Strange, I can’t change that in the widget, can I?

    Not sure why that is happening.

    Thread Starter biv


    Ok, I fixed the link by modifying the $title link /wp-includes/default-widgets.php. Now it shows the correct links on both the RSS icons as on the titles.

    Problem of not showing the feeds still excists. Anyone?

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