I did that. My Permalinks is under options. I’m using version 2.3.3.
When I updated the permalinks, I got a message stating I should update my .htaccess. When I went to Manage->Files->.htaccess(for rewrite rules), I get a message stating, “Oops, no such file exists! Double check the name and try again, merci.”
Checking my server I see a .htaccess under my root file radiocontroltoysblog.com. That’s where all my WordPress files for this blog reside.
However, when I went to the .htaccess (for rewrite rules) in my dashboard I appear to have created a new file at my server titled, “18829838” and inside that is the sub-file “incoming.” Nothing inside that.
When I open up the folder “18829838” I get a “create .htaccess” table, but when I try to create, nothing happens.
My server uses HSphere instead of CPanel.