• Hey guys I’m having trouble with my RSS feed working. The “entries RSS” and “comments RSS” on the my sidebar, on the top, are from the original theme. https://melbenson.com/blog/

    When I click on either of them they do not work… I have no idea what the problem is. Any ideas? Thanks..

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  • JoeSpirit: You are having permalinks and/or .htaccess problems. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks and verify your settings and then click save changes even if you haven’t changed anything.

    I did that. My Permalinks is under options. I’m using version 2.3.3.

    When I updated the permalinks, I got a message stating I should update my .htaccess. When I went to Manage->Files->.htaccess(for rewrite rules), I get a message stating, “Oops, no such file exists! Double check the name and try again, merci.”

    Checking my server I see a .htaccess under my root file radiocontroltoysblog.com. That’s where all my WordPress files for this blog reside.

    However, when I went to the .htaccess (for rewrite rules) in my dashboard I appear to have created a new file at my server titled, “18829838” and inside that is the sub-file “incoming.” Nothing inside that.

    When I open up the folder “18829838” I get a “create .htaccess” table, but when I try to create, nothing happens.

    My server uses HSphere instead of CPanel.

    By the way, that “18829838” file is in the root/root alongside my radiocontroltoysblog.com file, not inside it.

    Here’s more info on permalinks and making them work:



    I’ll check that out…soon as I find out how I changed my login info, and what I changed if to.

    Thread Starter melbenson


    iridia: I don’t see where I have the TrackBack Module for RSS plug-in…

    So..super weird… I JUST tried clicking the RSS link of both comments and regular feed on my site (I switched it back to the other theme) and it seems to be working. I also tried clicking the feed icon in the firefox 3 address bar and it works. I have no idea what happened to make it work…

    Can a anyone test out https://melbenson.com/blog/ again and make sure that the feed links work? Thanks so much guys!

    It’s commented out, but where did this come from in your blog?

    <!--<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="https://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
    			<rdf:Description rdf:about="https://melbenson.com/blog/2008/06/15/are-you-ready-for-download-day/"  dc:identifier="https://melbenson.com/blog/2008/06/15/are-you-ready-for-download-day/"
        dc:title="Are you ready for Download Day?"  trackback:ping="https://melbenson.com/blog/2008/06/15/are-you-ready-for-download-day/trackback/" />

    as you see your xml tag begins on the secod line.
    firefox means that he meet some symbol (\n in thos case) before xml start tag.

    i had the same issue and fixed it simple way.

    look through all files that are included before wordpress starts output of rss xml and REMOVE ALL EXTRA \n from it.

    when I say all extra I mean all \n that not inside php <? (<?php) and ?> tags

    I got this issue in my wp-config.php

    I’ve got an internal WordPress site in testing that I moved from a localhost install to a DNS resolvable machine. While I updated the hostname in the options and the site works, RSS still tries to point toward localhost.

    Is there anyway of getting RSS to update to the new hostname settings?


    I have the same problem. In the theme-editor.php page is impossible change any file because it can’t find the files… “Oops, no such file exists! Double check the name and try again, merci”
    I tried with all the templates… same problem

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