rss to post not working
I’m installed your plugins but i cant running.. I’m added 4 rss feeds links and i clicked to pull selected feeds now, result like seem:
Syndicating Ghana Business News… 0 posts were added
Syndicating Ghana Politics News… 0 posts were added
Syndicating Ghana Sports News… 0 posts were added
Syndicating Ghana Technology News… 0 posts were added is working.
Syndicate this feed to the following categories: selected.
Attribute all posts to the following user: adminaccount.
Undefined categories: post to default wordpress category
Create tags from category names: empty.
Post tags (separate with commas) empty.
Check for duplicate posts by Title
Check this feed for updates every: 480min
Maximum number of posts to be syndicated from each feed at once: 1
Posts status: push immediatly
comments: disallow
ping: disallow
base date: get date from post
Post thumbnail: generate first image
Media attachments: insert
Convert character encoding: empty
Store images locally: empty
Post date adjustment range: 0 0
Post footer: empty
Insert post footer into excerpts: empty
Shorten post excerpts: 0
Embed videos: empty
Translation: do not translate.
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