• I’ve been looking around for a plugin like CG-Feedread, except with support for multiple feeds. I want to list the most recent posts of a number of different blogs, and was first wondering if anyone knows how to do this, and if not, if anyone would be interested in a script to do it.

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  • This might be fun.
    Would/could a service like https://blo.gs work for you? If not, what exactly do you want to get out of that plugin? A listing of recent posts from x weblogs? Just titles or more?

    Thread Starter thanatos


    I was thinking that it would be useful to have a script that would check all the feeds, then pick the most recent x number of titles, regardless of the source, and list links of those.

    Thread Starter thanatos


    Blo.gs sounds similar to what I am thinking, but how would a script interact?

    I downloaded CARP, a PHP suite that parses RSS feeds. It is very configurable. It works well on static pages. Google for CARP and give it a try. I use it on a couple of my pages, one in particular the Tampa Bay Blogs home page at https://www.tampascifi.us/wordpress/tbblogs . The left column is a report generated by CARP with the last post listed on the site’s RSS feed, and the right column is a blogroll of all sites listed.
    It may do what you want. It’s not a hack or plugin, but you never know.

    thanatos –
    What is it you are looking for that CG-Feedread can’t do? Is it that you want to ‘mix’ the items from multiple feeds, as if they were just one?
    It’s not difficult to envision enhancements to CG-Feedread where you pass arrays of feed URLs and cache-names, and a mix/no-mix flag, and if the mix flag is set it tries to grab just the latest n across the mix.
    I can never invision this type of intermixing, as I’ve always wanted the feeds ‘split’ into distinct boxes, titled with source. I guess if the idea was to have a weird kind of abstracted news page pulling n latest bits from a bunch of feeds, yeah, I guess that kinda makes some sense. But if you’re polling too frequently, you’re a drain on resources (which people haven’t figured out yet!).. Guess it depends on what the end result is of a page/site you are building.

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