• I’m currently using a rss feed widget for Google News on my site but I would really like to use the RSS feed as a content source for my blog. Is there any way using RSS feeds on my site that each time an article is added to the feed, it just create it as a post on my site?

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  • Yes. Try the plug-in WP-o-matic


    Thread Starter BanditSiix


    Thanks PBP

    I installed wp-o-matic, installed the cron file, added the simplepie core and I get no errors or indications that the program isn’t working but I get no data from my feeds. I’ve checked timing and all the options. I’ve tried to do a manual fetch on one campaign but it says 0 posts. I know there have been articles added to the feed because I have a feed scroller running on my site also and it’s always showing new content.

    Just curious if you have any thoughts.


    Thread Starter BanditSiix


    Thread Starter BanditSiix


    I tried adding another feed to the WP-O-Matic campaign
    and this one worked fine.

    Only thing I wasn’t clear on. I thought WP-O-Matic would pull in the entire post and not just the excerpts. It’s kind of pointless from a content generating standpoint isn’t it?

    I’m OK with using it until I am able to get a program that does more (heck it’s free) but I’d like to figure out why the Google News Feed isn’t working with WP-O-Matic. Any input would be much appreciated.

    I will take a look at the mechanics of the plug-in.

    As far as the feed being full text that is something you would have to configure when creating the feed. I am not sure that Google allows that though.

    Most content providers are not going to provide the full text option because they do not want to allow for the publication of their content on other sites – that is a copyright concern as well so be careful. They provide RSS as a hook into their content only.

    Thread Starter BanditSiix


    Yeah I didn’t think about it being a copyright issue. Sorta new at this stuff. I’ll definitely pay attention to that. Don’t need the hassle.

    Still having trouble getting the Google feed to be read though.

    Additionally, It isn’t running the scheduled download based on the Frequency setting I setup. I’m having to do a manual fetch. Any ideas on that too?

    Thanks again

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