• I thought I posted this yesterday, but I must have forgotten – I recently upgraded to WP 2.6, and now my RSS-feed doesn’t show full text – I’m not entirely sure that this is due to the upgrade, it might seem that it happened before, but I’m not sure.

    I’ve of course checked to see if “Full text” is chosen under settings, I’ve tried deactivating all plugins, I’ve testet the feed directly, through the feedvalidator.org, Bloglines and Feedburner – all show it as being a summary-feed, with the […] at the end.

    This is farily annoying, as this means I won’t get clickable links in the feeds, and that the feeds with links on the bottom of the post won’t be shown, at least until someone clicks on the post directly.

    Is there something that has borked with a previous plugin? Is this a known bug in WP 2.6? Is there anywhere I can manually set the feed to always show full text, disregarding the choices made in the admin panel alltogether?

    Any help on this would be deeply appreciated!

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  • Otto42 : Even if you say it works and that it’s not broken, the fact remains that my rss doesn’t show the full content of my post, so something is obviously broken somewhere…

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    If it’s a WordPress site and it is not showing the full text, then you don’t have full text selected. Either that, or you’re using FeedBurner and have something set wrong there.

    Without a link to your site, I can’t look at it and tell you anything at all. Where’s the site with the problem feed? Post a link.

    It is a WordPress site but self-hosted on Dreamhost, my url is https://gervnet.com

    Again I checked and Full text is selected, I do use feedburner but I double checked and the source is the RSS 2.0 source, I tested with and without feedburner for every possible url for RSS 2.0 and everytime I got only the excerpt…

    I think I got the clue but do not know where to fix. In IE and Firefox the RSS feed contents come properly but I think Firefox does not process the <content:encoded> tag properly. If you see the view source you will see contents in both browser (IE and firefox) are same but firefox just process discription tag whereas IE process <content:encoded> .

    I am able to make a quick fix till I get proper solution. I removed the <description> tag from the else part and it fixed the problem. I know this is temperary fix. Can you guys tell me the proper way to fix this please?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    alexgerv: Your feed is showing the full content. There’s nothing broken there. I’m looking at it, and it’s fine.

    sanju74: There is no need to fix it because it is not broken. Firefox doesn’t show the full content, but a REAL FEEDREADER will.

    Closing this, because all these bad solutions are just going to mess with people and make them screw up their feeds. WordPress is not broken, there’s no need to fix anything. We’ve proven this, time and again.

    Let me try to make this perfectly clear:
    1. WordPress is NOT broken. The full text feed DOES WORK.
    2. The reason you think it’s broken is because you’re using Firefox. When you load up your feed in Firefox, you only see the excerpt, regardless of the setting. This is simply how Firefox works with WordPress, and it is what is supposed to happen. This is not a bug.
    3. Instead of using Firefox, load up your feed in a real feedreader. Google Reader, for example. There you will see the full feed, if that’s what you have turned on.

    Get it? It’s really very simple. WordPress isn’t broken, it’s really that your expectations are incorrect. Firefox is not a feed reader. It doesn’t show the full content, it shows what is known as the ‘description’ instead. And in WordPress, the description is the excerpt. If you were using manually made excerpts, those would show up in the Firefox view, but the full content would show up in an actual reader like Google Reader. This is by design. This is what it is supposed to do.

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