• WordPress site under development, newly upgraded to WP 3.3.1, I am looking at the standard RSS feed for blog posts on the site. All works fine EXCEPT that the <title> tag for the site’s RSS <channel> definition has the blog name doubled, with no space between the two instances of the name. Here’s an excerpt from the generated code, taken from Firefox “view page source” of the feed page:

    	<title>Harbor Works weblogsHarbor Works weblogs</title>
    	<atom:link href="https://sdssandbox.com/harborworks/wordpress/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
    	<description>Gallery updates and guestbooks</description>
    	<lastBuildDate>Mon, 16 Jan 2012 01:22:43 +0000</lastBuildDate>

    Note the doubling of the name in the <title> tag. I’ve changed the site name in Settings> General several times, the name updates each time but continues to be doubled. After searching the Forum for similar issues I looked at the files that appear to generate the XML code for the RSS feed (/wordpress/wp-includes/feed-atom.php and /wordpress/wp-includes/feed-rss.php). Both contain the same line of HTML/PHP code:

    <title type="text"><?php bloginfo_rss('name'); wp_title_rss(); ?></title>

    Seems to me the two function calls are the source of the redundancy, as the names suggest that one is retrieving the blog name and the other the WP site title, and in this case they are the same. However, I have tried removing the “wp_title_rss()” invocation without having any effect on the output file.


    1. Is, in fact, the apparently duplicate function call the source of my doubled blog name in the feed;

    2. What’s the right way to get rid of the doubled name, since editing those two PHP files doesn’t have the desired effect?

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  • I’m having the exact same problem – did you ever find a solution?

    I grabbed the code that generates the title from the feed-rss2.php file and put it in another page to display the result and it was correctly pulling my site’s name and description from the general settings without duplicating anything.

    I’m guessing it’s either my theme or a plugin that is causing the duplication, but I haven’t been able to find the cause or fix it.

    I am using the Yoast SEO plugin and the titles on all of my pages are displaying correctly, it’s just the RSS feed title that is messed up.

    I tried adding a filter, though I’m not exactly clear on how they work … and this isn’t fixing anything for me:

    if ( ! function_exists('fix_rss_feed_title' ) ) {
    	  function fix_rss_feed_title() {
    	    if (is_feed()) {
            $blogTitle = "TEST TITLE";
    	    return $blogTitle;

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

    I finally tracked down the source of my problem … it was coming from the Redirection plugin I was using. No idea why that plugin found the need to mess with the RSS feed title, but it did …

    Details here: Redirection plugin forum

    Thread Starter wierdthingsayer


    Thanks for sharing what you found, I had received no other replies to my original post back in January. What’s odd is that on my site I have no plugins except the default Akismet and Hello Dolly, and both are disabled. I am, however, using the Weaver II theme with a lot of visual customizations.

    I’ll keep looking for my version of the problem.

    Thread Starter wierdthingsayer


    What I have done to resolve my problem at this point is to edit the various “feed-xxx.php” files in /wp-includes/ to remove the call to wp_title_rss() in the “<title>” tag of the feed description. I had thought that didn’t work but had only removed it from the atom, ref, and rss template files; I had overlooked feed-rss2.php. Once I removed wp_title_rss() from the title tag, the doubled feed name disappeared from my reader.

    So my problem is for the time being solved, but what remains unanswered is why the feed templates call both bloginfo_rss(‘name’) and wp_title_rss(). Best answer I’ve been able to find is that wp_title_rss() is supposed to insert the title of the blog post, but that isn’t what it’s doing. Instead it’s inserting the blog name.

    If anyone who understands what was intended in the basic feed template files happens along to read this thread and can explain I’d be grateful. I hate using a hack when I don’t understand why it’s necessary.

    instead remove wp_title_rss(), remove bloginfo_rss(‘name’);

    so when you use https://domain.com/?feed=rss2&cat=5 for example, your title rss will be: Title ? Category Archive

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