• Hi. I’m looking for an easy way to include rss feeds on my blog in the form of a news ticker. Does anybody know of a script or plugin than can help me?

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  • There must be TONS of javascript news ticker samples out on the net, and you could feed into it your own RSS feed just using an aggregator (like CG-FeedRead). I assume you’re trying to show your own headlines on some other page of your site?

    Thread Starter levjoy


    I’m actually trying to syndicate news headlines from news sources like CNN or Yahoo. I’ve found a bunch of scripts but they’re all a bit confusing to me–no intstructions on where to insert them or how to style them. That’s why I wish there was a plugin out there.

    Is this for a header (wide-horizontal) or for the sidebar (tall-vertical)?


    Thread Starter levjoy


    Wide-horizontal. David, I realized that I’ve been playing around with your CG-Feedread plugin, but I can’t manage to make it work! I’m using a variation of the defauly CSS here: https://ima.hunter.cuny.edu/~levyj/wordpress and I’d like to have a ticker running syndicated feeds running just below the header.

    Well, the ticker is a secondary thing… I’d be interested to find out what you’ve had trouble with. CG-Feedread is probably one of my simplest plugins, with lots of happy customers. ??

    But if your end objective is a horizontal newsfeed, that’d want some pretty stripped-down, basic output that can get handed off to a javascript scroller. Let me think about whether there’s a quick way to achieve that particular combination…


    Thread Starter levjoy


    I appreciate your help with this. Please do let me know if you think of anything.

    Thread Starter levjoy


    I got CG-Feedread to work. Just a bit slow on the uptake with this stuff.

    It’s do just what I need it to do, except that it will syndicate one news feed. I put the code in my sidebar.php page and when I copy it and replace the feed url with another url, it reproduces the earlier feed. Any ideas why?

    Now that I have this implemented, a news ticker would be perfect.

    David, Levjoy,

    Just curious if you anyone had made this work. Im looking to do the same thing I think – have a list of things Ive recently posted on my site scroll across the front page.

    Im pretty new to RSS stuff, so Im not quite understanding the process yet.



    Shortly after posting this, I found a perfect script!

    Check out – https://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/rsstickerajax/index.htm

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