• As said in the title, some people is telling us that their feed-readers get the RSS for the comments insteed of the main RSS after the update to 2.0.1 version.
    Any idea? Somebody with similar problem?

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  • I’ve got the same problem, have this fix (ticket 2379) also implemented to wp-includes/classes.php and the result is negative! This fix doesn’t fix my problem. I still get RSS feeds with the comments of my website.
    When I use the default permalink structure my RSS Feed runs well. Using the Customer Structure of permalinks with the values:
    the RSS Feed fails and shows only the comments.
    Thank’s for tipps

    For anyone else coming across this problem, the fix shown here:
    …works. Just be sure not to leave in the ‘+’ character.

    And all you have to do after changing that code is to make a new page. That’s it! Then delete your new page or whatever.

    I’ve changed the fixed row (fix 2379) in module: -> wp-includes/classes.php
    but the fix DOESN’T work for me.

    Then I found out, that:
    When the URL has the following ending
    -> /index.php/feed/
    then only comments are displayed!
    When I change the URL to the following ending
    -> /index.php/?feed=rss2
    the feed works and my posts are shown.
    Where can I change these values and set them to “/?feed=rss2” ?


    This has been my exact same problem too! You’re right that ?feed=rss2 works, but my atom feed still doesn’t work – still only shows comments. doesn’t this have to be something in the index.php file or something, that is pointing the wrong files to the feed?

    Yeah, I just have the exact same problem! Is it fixed already?

    I’ve change the call to RSS-Feed
    -> /wpwetter/index.php/feed/
    -> /wpwetter/?feed=rss

    Now it works – Thank you

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