• Hello,
    I have read everything I could find on this problem and I’m still not sure what to do. I have 2 blogs using WordPress, https://over-50-and-kicking.com and a new one https://womenscorner.com
    The first one, the RSS feed validates no problem. The second one won’t and the error I got was:
    Your feed appears to be encoded as “utf-8”, but your server is reporting “US-ASCII” [help]
    line 2, column 0: XML Parsing error: <unknown>:2:0: xml declaration not at start of external entity [help]
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    Source: https://womenscorner.com/wordpress/wp-rss2.php
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- generator="wordpress/1.2.1" -->

    Someone said it could be whitespace in the php file…but which file? the index.php? and if so where do I look? I checked and there is no space at the beginning.
    Can anyone help me please?

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  • I have the same problem and can’t find any way to solve it.

    Tested a lot of things under 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 and 1.3 but still the same problem. No plugins installed.
    Can this issue be a server one ?
    In this case what can generate that extra line ???

    Please help me 2 weeks I’m looking for a solution. I love WP but if i can’t find a way to have RSS working, I will migrate through an other blog apps.


    My site is : https://krownoise.net/ and the RSS https://krownoise.net/wp-rss2.php

    Solved by reinstalling 3-4 times
    Don’t know where that bug come from.

    I am actually getting the same error Lise is getting.

    ‘Your feed appears to be encoded as “utf-8”, but your server is reporting “US-ASCII”‘

    With this issue, it my aggregator seems to be spitting error unlike other similar wordpress blogs (same version) that parse fine.

    Any idea what cause the problem and how do we know which post contains US-ASCII encoding?

    Link to Feedster:


    Really Appreciate. Thanks.

    replace in wp-rss2.php

    header(‘Content-type: text/xml’, true);


    header(‘Content-type: application/rss+xml’, true);

    I have been struggling with these for a week now. Please help me if you could …
    I have posted some chinese char into my blog, then the RSS stopped working.
    The error message is the following:

    An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource ‘https://xxxxxx/wordpress/wp-rss2.php&#8217;. Line 1…


    Moderator James Huff


    URL please…

    macmanx – I just use localhost to test it. Don’t have a valide URL so far. But I managed to reset the default charset for Apache, then everything worked out.
    superfrog – ‘Your feed appears to be encoded as “utf-8”, but your server is reporting “US-ASCII”‘, I think you should try my way to set the default charset for your web server.



    hi all, i have this “Your feed appears to be encoded as “UTF-8”, but your server is reporting “ISO 8859-1” when trying to validate my spanish blog (www.clubsonyericsson.com/es). my english one (www.clubsonyericsson.com/en) does validate, and everything in both is configured the same way except i have to put that encoding so the spanish accents and tildes show up correctly in the site.

    it not only doesn’t validate, but the feed isn’t recognized by bloglines.

    could you please help me out (i tried everything in this post), thanks in advance!

    Hi Guys,

    I keep getting

    Undefined item element: wfw:commentRSS

    Does anyone have any ideas?


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