• Resolved deinezauber


    Hi all,
    I need to apologize because I’m opening an issue that maybe is not related to Customizr but out there I cannot find answers for a problem related to my WordPress and its RSS feeds.

    I’ve configured the RSS feed icon in Customizr with the URL Il tuo giapponese feed and I can see correctly 5 posts, as I’ve configured from Settings–>Reading.
    The problem is that I always get the first 5 post in alphabetically order, no matter if I publish a new post.

    Does anybody has a clue for helping me in solving this puzzle?
    Thank you,

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  • Thread Starter deinezauber


    I think I’ve understood why I get this behaviour… I’ve added a hook to the event pre_get_posts for ordering my posts depending on their category but the same query is used also for retrieving RSS feeds; so I’ve now added a clause that excludes feeds to be affected by this change of ordering:

    if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() && !$query->is_feed) {

    I’m just waiting that my WordPress will refresh its feeds for checking the correctness of this issue.

    Thread Starter deinezauber


    Ok, everything looks fine now!!!

    Oh great Nicola, I really couldn’t figure out what could be the issue.
    Thanks for reporting your solution ??

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