• Resolved JJ


    Hi guys – if I look at my feed in my browser https://www.routetoretire.com/feed/, all my posts are listed.

    However, if I look at the feed in any RSS reader, the latest post it will show is from 8/12/15. As of now, I have an additional 8 posts that were created after that, but they don’t show up. And I’ve modified one older post and the changes don’t show up on in the feed either.

    I finally figured out that W3 Total Cache is causing the issue. If I deactivate the plugin, the current RSS feed shows up correctly. If I activate the plugin, the problem comes right back. I have “Cache feeds: site, categories, tags, comments” unchecked and that doesn’t make a difference.

    I went through the uninstall process to completely remove it (along with the leftover files it leaves). I reinstalled it and I have the same problem.

    I’ve been trying to figure this out for a week and I’m at a loss. Any help would be truly appreciated!


    — Jim


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  • Thread Starter JJ


    As a follow-up to this, I did some testing and determined that the Page Cache in W3 Total Cache is causing the issue. When disabled, the RSS feed works correctly. When enabled, it doesn’t (even when leaving “Cache feeds: site, categories, tags, comments” unchecked).

    Any thoughts?


    — Jim

    Funny thing i have the opposite problem…i can set anything on (e.g. Cache feeds) and W3 will never, ever cache RSS feeds…never..the others like categories, tags do cache fine with the checkmark. What is odd is i do see W3 putting its spam comment in the footer and it does minify the file but does not create a cache for it…baffling. I have resorted to roaming his spaghetti code for answers. I did a fresh install of WP with 0 plugins and still nothing. Interesting. Not a big deal since i prefer RSS feeds to not be cached anyway but thought it was odd.

    As for your issue, check in the page (or page_enhanced) folder and see if u find a /feed/ directory (for pag_enhanced) when page cache is enabled. And go to a feed page that isnt in that directory and see if a cache file is made. If so then indeed it is page caching. Otherwise, it could be Browser Caching setting.

    Thread Starter JJ


    Thanks, Fist Full of Criso – there were two files in the page_enhanced folder:

    I saved them off and deleted them, but it didn’t make any difference (guessing they weren’t in use).

    It’s definitely a problem with the Page Cache. When I toggle Browser Cache on or off, it doesn’t make a difference. But when I toggle the Page Cache, I can see the problem happen on and off.

    Any other thoughts?


    — Jim

    Thread Starter JJ


    So I think that deleting those two files I mentioned (_index.html.old and _index.html_gzip.old) actually fixed the problem for whatever reason.

    I checked the RSS feed last night and it looked good again. I posted a new article this morning and my feed shows the new content.

    Not sure why these files caused a problem, but maybe it can help someone else in need.

    Thanks Fist Full of Crisco!

    — Jim

    Thread Starter JJ


    One more follow-up on this. I had the problem happen again when I posted a new blog entry. I think the actual problem may be W3TC’s Cloudflare integration:


    I have followed this and emptied the cache from the Cloudflare admin panel (not from within W3TC) and things are good again. I have also disabled RSS caching in W3TC for the time being.

    — Jim

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