• matt-tyas


    Hi. I want to pull the featured image from wordpress into mail chimps automatic RSS feed newsletter service. I found this on Stack Overflow that seems to answer my question however I do not know where each piece of code mention here goes within WP?

    I often have to create custom feeds for MailChimp, and find that a lot of the time I have to make somewhat ‘hacky’ changes like putting custom values into the limited standard fields that MailChimp supports.

    Because of this I like to use the method described at Yoast (https://yoast.com/custom-rss-feeds-wordpress/) to create a page that outputs a custom RSS feed.

    There are couple of tweaks to make in order to get the featured image included as a field that MailChimp will recognise.

    Firstly you need to add the Media RSS namespace, which I usually do by adding to the opening <rss> tag:

    <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="https://search.yahoo.com/mrss">

    Then in order to include the featured image inside the item:

    <?php if(get_the_post_thumbnail()): ?>
        <media:content url="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID)); ?>" medium="image" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    If you need to specify a particular image size to include, you’ll need to use this code inside the item instead:

    <?php if(get_the_post_thumbnail()): ?>
        <media:content url="<?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'imageSize'); echo $image[0]; ?>" medium="image" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    You can then grab this in MailChimp using the *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|* or *|FEEDITEM:IMAGE|* merge tags.

    Thank you for your help.

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  • Thread Starter matt-tyas


    Okay so if this the rss2 file I need to edit:

    pastebin link.

    Then where within this file to I place:

    <?php if(get_the_post_thumbnail()): ?>
        <media:content url="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID)); ?>" medium="image" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    Thank you

    well well well, I wanted to know this exact thing……and what do you know it… I find you sir!….did you work it out?


    Thread Starter matt-tyas


    Haha hello, fancy seeing you here.

    Yeah I did. I used a plugin called:

    Then you can use the rss image tags that mailchimp provides. There is a link about that here:


    Hope that sorts it for you mate.

    HI there, I’ve been struggling with trying to get mailchimp rss to pull through my images from wordpress for days now (I am not experienced with coding!) Could someone give me some very layman’s instructions on how to make this work? I’ve downloaded the wp rss images plugin, but have no idea what to do next!? Any support would be very welcome!



    @sarawhite, did you get it figured out?

    I found it fairly straightforward, but the only thing to watch for was, after installing the plugin, in Settings > WP RSS Images, to check the “media” box. (You can uncheck the “enclosure” box).

    Then the *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|* tag pulled the image into the MailChimp RSS-based campaign just fine.

    I didn’t even need to enter any fancy tags or code supplied by mailchimp.



    I suppose in fairness, that’s not the hard part, the hard part for a non-coder would be the html inside mailchimp. I’ll post that in a bit.

    (As an aside, having stayed in “non-coder” land for a while, my encouragement would be to invest effort in learning. It’s way worth it. I always look back and face-palm over the things I did to deal with being “non-coder”)

    I ended up doing this:

    <div style="padding:0px 20px 20px 0px; float:left;">*|RSSITEM:IMAGE|*</div> and putting that right in front of the title in my RSS-campaign template. I haven’t tested it against all inboxes, but I believe floating works in the main email programs. Though in fairness I’ve never tested Outlook…. AAAAH!



    Hello @dannyjimmy,

    I used your code above in my mailchimp RSS campaign template. Worked exactly as I needed it to, thank you!

    Other email clients wrapped the text around the image very well. Outlook, though, put the image above the text. I decided I’d live with that rather than coding in a table (which is what others have said is necessary, somehow, for Outlook to wrap the text).

    Thanks, again.



    Yeah, I actually learned that after posting. Outlook and others suck at Float.

    I didn’t realize outlook could wrap a table… oh, sure… <table align="left"><tbody><tr><td>*|RSSITEM:IMAGE|*</td></tr></tbody></table> or something to that effect. Interesting. If that works, it could solve another of my problems related to RSS-to-email.

    Thanks for this insight.

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