• Hey, I’ve seen the problem around but I think this requires more specific help as the other topics have not helped me much.

    I currently use Google Chrome and in the right of the URL bar there is no RSS feed button for my website (like the one currently on this website)

    It use to be there until i got this new theme. How can I get it back?

    Website: getyourgadgetsgoing.com

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  • Add it to your new theme?

    Thread Starter Strongfist


    How…..I would not be here if I knew the answer…

    if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) // Added in 3.0
    	add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ); // ADD DEFAULT POST AND COMMENT RSS LINKS TO HEAD

    add this to your functions.php file….

    inside of the existing php tags….

    Thread Starter Strongfist


    Ok I did that and i receive this warning message:

    “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/38/6454438/html/wp-content/themes/techblog/functions.php:76) in /home/content/38/6454438/html/wp-admin/theme-editor.php on line 89”

    which means you got a blank line in the code somewhere, either before, in between, or after a php tag. There can be no blank lines

    Did you wrap that function in your own php tags?


    must be at the very top….. no blank space or lines

    can't have a space here either

    and no blank space or lines at the bottom of your document after the last piece of code….

    Thread Starter Strongfist


    I stuck it inside the “<?php” tag, i did not make my own. I just tried to do it without spaces but I could be doing it wrong….here is my funchtion.php

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    After adding in the code I gave you, that would have made line 76, the line throwing your error, the last line.

    Which would leave me to believe there is possibly blank space at the end of functions.php

    You could check by putting your cursor right after the ?> at the end, and hitting the right arrow. The cursor should not move a space.

    But the code I gave you could go anywhere, I’d put it at the top…. right after one of the short functions. hit enter and put it in there. You can have a blank line above and before the function INSIDE the php code, just not before or after those tags

    for your file with my code

    Thread Starter Strongfist


    I crashed my website. I’m sorry for this but can you baby me for a second? Can you place the code where it is suppose to go? I lost a ton of visitors when I crashed my site and it demoralized me.

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