• I’ve been trying to link the Autofocus template rss feed to my blogcat tab on Facebook using Simplaris Blogcast but the supplied url for the feed comes as an error saying to check the link as no feed can be found.

    I’ve tried the following




    both give the same error, going to these links brings up the feed so it’s working within WP and Autofocus just not the Facebook app, any ideas?

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  • I’m not sure, but I think it might be that Simplaris Blogcast doesn’t like the ‘ugly’ permalink structure which includes the question mark.


    I used to use the Simplaris app. but have my WordPress permalinks set to date and name based ‘pretty’ permalinks so the RSS feed is just https://www.domainname/feed

    Not sure how you’d test my theory, but you could ask for support at the Facebook page for the app.

    Thanks I’ll try that

    After changing the permalinks I still received the same message then on checking my stats I saw a list of different feed urls and the one for comments worked so it appears the general feed isn’t being recognised but the variant is?

    RSS2 url: https://www.williamwilsonphotography.co.uk/feed/ is being rejected
    COMMENT RSS2 url: https://www.williamwilsonphotography.co.uk/comments/feed/ works

    Hmm.. I’ve just run several W3C feed validation checks on your main RSS2 feed url at
    and each time it failed to validate because it timed-out waiting for a response from your server.

    The comments feed however, loads very quickly and validates using that on-line tool with no problems.

    If you go to your main feed via a browser, you can see for yourself that it takes a relatively long time to appear in the browser window. I’m not sure what’s causing the delay though, sorry.

    I did notice it was taking a while to load, I’ll drop a note to my host to see if there’s a problem, thanks for helping out it’s frustrating when something so simple just refuses to work.

    Finally resolved this issue it was a WordPress plugin that was causing a time out on the feed, deactivating the culprit solved the problem.

    I am having a lot of trouble getting my blog to import into our Facebook page. The rss feed I am using is https://www.whitfordinsurance.com/category/insurance/feed/ which I am putting into the “notes” section in our Facebook page. Sometimes this has worked, and sometimes it fails. Any ideas?

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