• I have upgraded to 2.7.1 and now my feed won’t work. I get the following:

    XML Parsing Error: XML declaration not well-formed
    Location: https://www.manrilla.net/blog/feed/rdf/
    Line Number 1, Column 31:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=””?><rdf:RDF

    I am not sure what’s gone wrong. I have tried to search through my site and see what the issue is. Is it that it thinks there’s a double “” or that the ? is out of place? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Your feed here, https://www.manrilla.net/blog/feed/ is fine.

    I have a new blog up…www.embarrassednomore.com been working trying to get the rss to work. I finally made a post and it picked that up with the addy of embarrassednomore.com/feed. Only the atom not the rss worked.

    It was validated as being good–when i type my address..www.embarrassednomore.com/feed into address bar i get this:
    Warning: Unexpected character in input: ‘\’ (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/blush/public_html/wp-includes/feed-rss2.php on line 11

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ‘)’ in /home/blush/public_html/wp-includes/feed-rss2.php on line 11

    when i use validator they say it is success.

    My question is …does the rss feed work on pages or only posts? and how do I get mine to work? I have read and read the forums and tried many things and still nothing, any help would be appreciated.

    https://embarrassednomore.com/feed/ works fine. It will only work for posts not pages.

    You need to go to dashborad, settings, general and put in the name of your blog. To keep it from showing in your heading, go to appearance, header image and color, advanced, toggle text display.

    Hope this is ok.

    Sorry, too many cocktails onece again . ..

    I need you to, if you will be so kind…to walk me through this.
    To keep it from showing in your heading, go to appearance, header image and color, advanced, toggle text display.

    I dont have a heading category or a header image listed in wordpress. I looked through and found nothing that talked of color and toggle…sorry i think i must be one of the blondes.

    OK, no problem, go to wp-admin and then to dashboard then to settings then to general. The top line call for blog name. Enter it and scroll down to save changes and save.

    Then still in the dashboard, go to appearance, header image and color. Click on the advanced box. Click on the toggle text display. Look at the image of your header. If the name of the blog is there, click on toggle text display again – it will go off. Click on update header.

    Hi Kmessinger,

    This is my first use of WordPress, so please bear with me. Clicking the RSS button is giving this error:

    HTTP Status 400 – You must provide a feed uri
    type Status report
    message You must provide a feed uri
    description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (You must provide a feed uri).
    Apache Tomcat/5.0.28

    I’m using the default permalink, no changes were made. Everything is going to Feedburner & I created the Feedburner link as requested and pasted and saved it on the Feedburner tab. I read so many pages in Codex that I gave up, not being able to find a definitive answer. Can someone please assist. Thanks a lot.

    Blog: https://www.thedirectoryindex.net/blog/


    I was able to solved the above problem, however, I’m getting the following error message from feedburner “Error on line 10: The element type “link” must be terminated by the matching end-tag “</link>” where do I go to resolve this matter or how can I fix this? Thanks in advance you guy’s ??

    my appearance does not show a header image.

    dashboard, go to appearance, header image and color.

    OK, then let’s try this. Switch to the default theme. Then you will show header image and color. Then toggle off the text. Then switch back to your normal theme.

    I don’t know if it will work or not as I use the default theme quite modified.

    TDI I know nothing about feed thru feed burner but this looks ok to me. https://feeds2.feedburner.com/SouthernCaliforniaTravelBlogSearch

    Got it..Thanks so much


    My friend recently upgraded her wordpress installation to 2.8.2 and her feed stopped updating.

    Her site: relyme.com

    Her feed is with feedburner: relymerss

    We ran it through feed validator and got errors. It was working fine before the upgrade. Any suggestions? We disabled plugins and tested, same error ??

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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