• I’m painfully new to WordPress. I’ve never worked with RSS or feeds, though I read the feeds page on the codex.

    I understand that WordPress automatically generates feeds, but I went to weblogs.com and entered my url, and got a message that there’s no feeds. I clicked on the RSS icon on my template, and got a ‘page not found’.

    If WordPress automatically generates pings or feeds or whatever, do I have to do anything other than update my page (create entries). If so, why wouldn’t weblogs have been able to validate the feed? Also, I read some other feed topics on this forum, and tried going to my site’s feed page (I forget the url but I followed the directions) and also got page not found.

    I checked the coding on the template and there’s definitely a line in there about RSS feed, so as far as I know, the template isn’t totally devoid of RSS (the feed codex says some templates don’t have RSS included by default).

    I suspect I am missing something obvious, but I’ve never dealt with RSS in my life so I haven’t a clue.


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