I did ask them, and just got a reply:
“CWI has deployed several security changes do to the ever increasing number of web exploits on the internet these days. Being this is a shared environment, one exploitable script of one user can potential effect everyone on that server.
In addition to firewall changes and system adjustments, CWI is currently testing and certifying its servers daily to pass the FBI/SANS Internet Security Tests.
If there is any possible work around for what you are trying to accomplish, please do so. We understand this will not be possible for every situation.
We thank you for your understanding and your help maintain and certify our network security to the highest government and industry standards.”
I replied to this asking for more information and if these minor scripts (not just rotator.php is out) will be permitted to run at some point, or if i need to seek a new host.
Funny that selling digital files, and rotating images are not allowed (suddenly, without warning) yet WP and BB scripts which produce serious bottlenecks of spam robots are allowed.
There must be something which I don’t understand about these more minor scripts.
I hate spammers more and more every single day.