• This is my site: https://www.goallover.org/

    There currently is no banner as I’ve been trying to update the site to feature a rotating banner.

    I would like the banner to fade in and out of graphics whilst you’re on the page.

    I know I could do an animated image to accomplish this but it would be large and I couldn’t change the images very easily.

    Any one know if this is possible?

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  • @rjarmitage,

    Changing or adding header graphics in headers is very much dependant on the theme you are using (in your case a theme by Masterplan). Most themes will contain or give you access to instructions on how to do this either via doco or a forum.

    Alternatively you could investigate one of the several plugins that will do this for you – but again your theme will determine whether this is possible or not. One such plugin is: JS Banner Rotate.


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