• just built a site for my roomates band using six instances of wp. one for the front page, and one for each band-member on the microsites (under the profiles section). any feedback is welcome, especially anything you don’t like about the site. also, the site has a splash page, which is causing me some difficulty with the main blog’s title, which link to https://www.rosewoodfall.com and not https://www.rosewoodfall.com/index.php causing to link to the splash page and not the main news page. if i change the blog location in the options, it works out, but then the view site button on the admin header no longer works, as it then links to https://www.rosewoodfall.com/index.php.index.php. any thoughts?
    hats off to wp for a wonderfull experience in implementing their software.
    p.s. i also just put up my personal blog. the style took about twenty minutes to throw together.

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  • sites look good in firefox. don’t really know about a solution to your splash page problem. On your own site, the menu links go red on mouseover, which is a bit weird as the background is the same shade of red – was that intentional?

    My thought: Get rid of the splash page!
    I didn’t think that when I clicked ‘enter’ I’d get such a nice site.

    I have to agree with eric. The site looks good using FireFox but I too would lose the splash.
    Very well done.

    Thread Starter kponto


    yeah…i totally agree, but the band really wanted a splash page. personally, i tend to find splash pages annoying. perhaps i’ll go back and redo it (this one was a five minute solution) to make it more visually appealing (or maybe i’ll manage to convince the band to scrap it altogether…wish me luck).
    eric, i think you’re right about those red rollovers. i’m gonna go change ’em. thanks all.

    The site’s pretty cool. Feed them some semi-BS about getting better search engine placement by eliminating the splash page. That should do the trick. My only complain, I couldn’t really find information on who plays what instrument. Probably an oversight on either my part or yours, but that’s usually pretty standard info. It’s helpful if people want to, for example, email the bass player about a killer tone or something.

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