• Hi there guys ??
    Almost jumped from a cliff when wordpress broke up after upgrading to 4.3. Anyhow, I had backup from updraft and it saved my life basically.
    To restore my website, i’ve created in mistake 3 new databases (just changed the prefix table), and on the 4th DB i’ve installed the fresh wordpress – to it i’ve extracted my backup.
    Now everything seem smooth, but 1 thing is very wierd:
    My homepage\ROOT is directing to a clean wordpress installation. So it just says, hello world etc. My wp-admin works perfect like all other pages.
    But the page that is set “Reading” settings page to be homepage, is just a blank new wordpress installation.
    I don’t have a .htaccess in my new installation, and have tried changing the theme, but this “hello world” keeps showing instead of the desired page.
    Any ideas?


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  • …3 new databases (just changed the prefix table), and on the 4th DB i’ve installed the fresh wordpress…

    My homepage\ROOT is directing to a clean wordpress installation.

    Have you looked at /root/wp-config.php to see what database name and table_prefix are designated there?

    Thread Starter dk9


    Hi lee, thanks for stopping by!
    Sure I did, and i’ve tried changing the values, and it has changed my wp-admin and other page, but the homepage is left the same doesn’t matter which database prefix I’m altering in the wp-config.php


    Wierd, isn’t it?

    Yep, but have you double-checked what the database has for its URL?

    cPanel > phpMyAdmin SQL

    note: Edit ‘pref’ (the table prefix in three places below) to your own value ()as in $table_prefix = '???_'; in wp-config.php), and then change ‘https://www.olddomain.com’ and ‘https://www.newdomain.com’ as required (three places each and with no trailing slashes)

    UPDATE pref_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'https://www.olddomain.com', 'https://www.newdomain.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
    UPDATE pref_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'https://www.olddomain.com', 'https://www.newdomain.com');
    UPDATE pref_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'https://www.olddomain.com', 'https://www.newdomain.com');

    Also, maybe adding a default htaccess and then re-saving Permalinks might make a difference.

    Thread Starter dk9


    Thanks for the advice, is this code relevant even that I haven’t changed my site URL at all?


    “hello world” keeps showing instead of the desired page.

    As you already understand, that “hello world” is coming from a database other than the one you intend to be using. So, either cPanel or htaccess is doing some kind of redirecting or else else wp-config is messed up (but you have already checked that) or else your database needs some URL updating. So, I would look at the URL in your browser address bar after arriving someplace you do not want to be, then go do a simple database search or two (using all or part of that browser URL) to try to figure out what is going on. Then after possibly discovering a bogus URL somewhere, I would use that code (after editing it accordingly) to replace that bogus URL wherever it might be.

    Thread Starter dk9


    Hi lee,
    The only really broken page is the homepage\root page. In the phpmyadmin, I can see the root as the homepage and url for the 3 mistaken installations. Maybe it would be a good idea just to delete this table with the non usable prefix?
    What do you think?


    I can see the root as the homepage and url for the 3 mistaken installations. Maybe it would be a good idea just to delete this table with the non usable prefix?

    Your wording there is not clear to me…

    I can see the root as the homepage…
    I can see the root as…url for the 3 mistaken installations?
    I can see…the 3 mistaken installations?

    Maybe it would be a good idea just to delete this table with the non usable prefix?

    I would not delete anything. I would fix any wrong URL and then see what happens.

    note: Always, always make a complete database backup prior to any edits!

    Thread Starter dk9


    Hi lee, thanks so much. I followed your advice and found 1 URL that somehow was included inside https. I fixed it and all is working.
    Thanks mate ??

    Cool beans.

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