The tax rates and tax calculations are managed by WooCommerce, they are the ones you can find in WooCommerce > Settings > Taxes. they have to be updated and reviewed manually by the merchant.
Reports show the data found against the existing orders. If you have a 19% VAT in the reports, it means that some orders were placed with that rate. Changing the VAT rates in the settings doesn’t affect existing orders. If they were charged at 19% VAT, they will remain at that rate.
If you see a VAT rate in the settings and another on the orders, it might be possible that you are looking at the description (example: When you click on the “update rates” button, the rates are updated, but the descriptions are untouched. This is done because most merchants enter the description themselves, and they should be preserved.
The VAT rate for Romania is currently 19% (see The 20% rate was the old one, which was reduced in January 2017. It seems that the remote service used by the EU VAT Assistant is still returning “20%”, we are going to report this glitch to its maintainers. In the meantime, you can update the VAT rate for Romania manually, setting it to 19%.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by