• The new version of the staffer plugin has broken the widget, broken the staff grid page, and many other things. Where can I get a copy of version 1.3 of this plugin, which actually worked?

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  • Plugin Author Edward


    There’s no reason the update should’ve broken any of those things. Share your URL?

    Old version:


    @wpnook If you can upload some previous versions to the /tags/ folder in SVN, people can download the older versions from the Advanced View of the plugin as supported by most plugins.

    Following the last release, there are quite a few reasons to roll back.

    Thread Starter Chuck Moulton


    I realize my post is more than 5 months old, but my site still has all the errors.

    I did not rollback to a previous version because several users reported problems with manual rollbacks. This plugin does not implement the industry standard practice of including previous versions on its WP repo (then accessible under “Previous Versions” on the “advanced” tab of the plugin page), which means plugins such as WP Rollback cannot automate the rollback process.

    My site is at alt-m.org.

    There are two departments: contributors and editors. 1 person is in both departments. The rest of the people are not overlapping.

    Here is the staffer page:

    Of course most of the images are broken by the new version.

    Additionally the new version lists each person’s department under his name even though that information is redundant and distracting (the department is evident from the headings under which people are grouped).

    The update broke individual pages, which we had previously customized to also list their posts.

    Most glaringly, the update broke the sidebar widget which appears on every single page of the site. Erroneously, the “contributors” department on the widget lists everyone rather than just actual “contributors”, including 2 people from the “editors” department who are clearly not actually “contributors”. I can’t fathom why a listing of people in a department would list people not actually in that department.

    I would like a way to rollback to a working version of the plugin with a tool such as WP Rollback. Manually rolling back to a working version is not a good solution because many people have encountered problems doing so.

    Unfortunately my WordPress site includes several admins with access to the plugins. The other admins frequently “upgrade” to the latest version of plugins breaking all sorts of things, then I have to waste hours and hours cleaning up their mess. (Over the last two days I have spent 5 hours cleaning up a mess from a different plugin “upgrade”.) Despite telling them over and over and over and over and over again that updates almost always break things and are almost never necessary, they all operate from the delusion that updates are always good and updates to the latest version are necessary to fix security flaws. Because I am saddled with such naive colleagues, I would prefer if the latest version of plugins are not broken so I don’t have to repeatedly rollback.

    I’d appreciate any advice you could give fixing my site. Even better would be putting the past working versions in the WP repo so WP Rollback would work. Even better than that would be fixing the errors in the latest release. Thank you.

    Thread Starter Chuck Moulton


    Looks like my memory was foggy. I checked my email history and I actually did a manual rollback back then. Since then, another admin updated the plugin undoing my rollback.

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