robots.txt too restrictive for 'allow search engines'?
Are the changes made to robots.txt when using the ‘Allow search engines’ option too restrictive?
Now that Google’s Mobile-geddon is upon us, it seems like the Googlebot (and others) would really benefit from seeing layout data otherwise currently hidden by the ‘Allow search engines’ option (
Disallow: /wp-content/themes
).I commented out line 249 in ds_wp3_private_blog.php (from version and a site that was failing Google’s Mobile Friendly Test (at suddenly passed!
Line 249 of ds_wp3_private_blog.php before:
$output .= "Disallow: /$dir/themes\n";
Line 249 of ds_wp3_private_blog.php after:
// $output .= "Disallow: /$dir/themes\n";
Interesting, I just ran the test myself and it passes with green without editing the plugin.
“Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly.”path.domain.tld and domain.tld/path/ sites.
You may have a correlation but not a cause there.
There is a warning in the fine print just below the all green pass:
“This page uses one resource which is blocked by robots.txt.”
When clicking show resources, the path has nothing to do with the plugin near as I figure. And the warning persists whether this plugin is enabled or not.
I’ll need to be able to predictably reproduce your fail condition before I can commit a fix, if any.
WP 4.2.1 and twenty fifteen default theme updated as well.
Makes sense, @david Sader.
Just curious, was the site you tested failing the Mobility Test BEFORE implementing the change I suggested?
To be clear, I can’t produce a fail condition given what you have suggested I try. I would need to see a fail, before I can confirm a fix.
My test passed before enabling the plugin and still pass after. Commenting out the line had nothing to do with my tests passing, the sites I test pass.
Many sites, even without the layout info that CSS provides, can pass the Mobility Test. Some cannot.
You’ve got to start with a site that fails the test to be able to test this fix.
It may take me a bit, but I’ll try to whip up a demo site that fails and another identical site that passes (using this fix) so you can see ’em both.
In the meantime, why block
at all (for public sites)? The Codex seems to suggest that nothing be blocked in the robots.txt file.Codex page changed. When? I dunno. But adding disallow rules was the consensus at some point way back when.
I found a “way back machine” of the same codex page: rational to disallow on public? It was once the fashion. At one time, it was all the rage to add a gazillion disallow lines to optimize. And I suspect the robots version in the plugin is or was identical to what was in core code at one point. I haven’t looked at robots rules for years, years.
My need to “fix” the robots generator was so it generates a correct robots.txt for all but the one visibility setting that allows indexing. The second fix was to use the wp_content dir constants as many of us do share or use alternate wp_content paths is all.
I think the rational went something like this: as a multisite install, we may have hundreds of themes/plugins that update 24/7. My rationale to keep /themes/ and /plugins/ in disallow is I really do not have control if some theme/plugin designer adds files with links to promote their own ranks via my search results. Something like that.
Limiting indexing, on a “public site” made sense once upon a time:
Specifying where search engines should look for content in high-quality directories or files you can increase the ranking of your site, and is recommended by Google and all the search engines.
Good news! We have a site that consistently Fails the Google Mobile Friendly Test and Passes it with the workaround mentioned in the OP.
No other changes were made to the site and the tests were run only minutes apart. Note that this site was already responsive and mobile-friendly. It’s just that Google wasn’t able to detect that it was responsive and mobile-friendly.
Screenshots are available on Twitter at where I just tweeted about it (at ). I’ve obfuscated the URL, but can briefly disable the fix and share the URL with @david Sader if he’ll PM me.
The robots.txt for the Fail result was:
User-agent: * Disallow: Disallow: /wp-admin Disallow: /wp-includes Disallow: /wp-login.php Disallow: /wp-content/plugins Disallow: /wp-content/cache Disallow: /wp-content/themes Disallow: /trackback Disallow: /comments
The robots.txt for the Pass result was:
User-agent: * Disallow: Disallow: /wp-admin Disallow: /wp-includes Disallow: /wp-login.php Disallow: /wp-content/plugins Disallow: /wp-content/cache Disallow: /trackback Disallow: /comments
In light of…
- these repeatable results on a website that is responsive and mobile-friendly,
- the significant number of posts within various WordPress Support sections complaining of similar problems,
- given the fact that the Codex now recommends that nothing be blocked in the robots.txt file,
- given that the user is provided with no visual indication that selecting the ‘Allow search engines’ option can cause some sites to Fail this crucial benchmark,
- and given that the user should be responsible for policing links/SEO grabs hidden within theme files (after all, More Privacy Options is a privacy plugin, not a security or SEO one),
…we recommend the fix suggested in the OP be applied to this wonderful plugin.
We have also found the same issues on our client’s sites and would be very grateful if you could implement the fix in the OP.
Google has now started informing site owners why some, otherwise mobile-friendly sites, fail their mobility test.
Today, I received the following email in an email from Google:Google systems have recently detected an issue with your homepage that affects how well our algorithms render and index your content. Specifically, Googlebot cannot access your JavaScript and/or CSS files because of restrictions in your robots.txt file. These files help Google understand that your website works properly so blocking access to these assets can result in suboptimal rankings.
(emphasis mine)
When should we expect a fix for this plugin?
Pending a more comprehensive fix, I’ve edited Line 244 thru Line 251 of ds_wp3_private_blog.php (from version as follows to remove the filtering of robots.txt file for sites flagged by this plugin as “public”:
Lines 244 – 251 of ds_wp3_private_blog.php before:
$output .= "Disallow: /wp-admin\n"; $output .= "Disallow: /wp-includes\n"; $output .= "Disallow: /wp-login.php\n"; $output .= "Disallow: /$dir/plugins\n"; $output .= "Disallow: /$dir/cache\n"; $output .= "Disallow: /$dir/themes\n"; $output .= "Disallow: /trackback\n"; $output .= "Disallow: /comments\n";
Line 244 – 252 (I added one line) of ds_wp3_private_blog.php after:
// 31 July 2015 - This fix was suggested at and later expanded to allow crawlers unrestricted ability to view the site as a user would (as per, and many other resources.) // $output .= "Disallow: /wp-admin\n"; // $output .= "Disallow: /wp-includes\n"; // $output .= "Disallow: /wp-login.php\n"; // $output .= "Disallow: /$dir/plugins\n"; // $output .= "Disallow: /$dir/cache\n"; // $output .= "Disallow: /$dir/themes\n"; // $output .= "Disallow: /trackback\n"; // $output .= "Disallow: /comments\n";
I have received this google warning email for one of my wordpress websites. Strangely was that one has updated few days earlier to the latest wordpress version, the other wasn’t and it has google cannot access CSS JS files warning. I have been reading so many articles for solution to fix this problem for a week. Finally I have collected enough information and ready to edit the robots file. Then I think i should update the second website with latest wordpress version before I fixe this robots file issue. When update to the latest wordpress version on the second website has done, I checked the good fetch and render to see what happened. It actually has changed the code and google was able to access CSS JS file. So I think I do not need to fix robots file issue. But there was a gray press bottom after google fetched and rendered to ask me submit to index.
Should I submit it to index? Thanks for the help.It’s a little off-topic for this thread, but yes.
If Google can properly fetch and render your site, it can’t hurt to submit it to their index.Also, a WP update wouldn’t impact this plugin or the suggested fix in the Opening Post. However, an update to this plugin would probably overwrite the modified
file.It’s worth mentioning again that some sites can pass Google’s Mobility Test even without the additional info that JS and CSS provides. Some cannot.
Update posted. Kick the tires. Thanks for the feedback.
Thank you Frutke
Excellent work, David Sader. Thank you, Sir.
I noted a few other little changes and improvements as well.
Thank you for being responsive to user suggestions and feedback. It’s part of what makes a good plugin a great plugin.
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