• OK… ever since i upgraded to 2.0, i have been getting nonstop hits from bots…and its not that they are just hitting my site, they are creating more false hits by trying to go to pages and files that aren’t even and never have been on my site…

    whats going on? i used to get random hits from them from time to time, but its going non stop now…

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  • You keep posting, but you’re not getting any more info, most likely because no one has anything else to offer. Your only option at this point would seem to be to change hosts, if godaddy is preventing your use of the plugins which will help your problem.

    If you want to consider a gentle nudge that you shouldn’t keep reposting the same stuff when no one has any more help to offer as being a jerk, that’s fine too…. You’re entitled to your opinion.

    Thread Starter Kahil


    vkaryl, how would you appreciate someone replying to your request for help by basically telling you to shut up?

    It happens quite a bit; I generally reread the previous 40+ posts, see why I’m being told that, and go find info elsewhere as posted by others….

    I certainly don’t get nasty with someone who’s volunteering her time, especially when it’s obvious that there’s no available further help, and that posting the same stuff over and over isn’t getting me any further help.

    One other thing you could do, as for help, though there’s no more guarantee of help there either: post to the wp-testers list. You can register for that at https://lists.automattic.com/.

    Thread Starter Kahil


    please re-read my posts… they are not the same thing over and over again… each post goes further into details as the problem progresses and gets worse…

    whats the point of replying to a request for help like you did? telling someone to shut up isn’t called support/help… if you can’t help, then why waste your time?

    “wow… in only two minutes i got 47 hits from…

    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)”

    That’s a browser, not a bot. Someone was looking at your site…

    Thread Starter Kahil


    tooferab… it wasn’t someone, it was a bot… i looked at the times… 47 hits in two minutes is impossible for someone to do… there is no way that someone can go from link to link and hit 47 pages in that time frame…plus, each hit had no referrer with it, i’ve only seen the bots do that. each time a valid visitor has gone from link to link, it shows the page they came from as the referrer…

    One page request can generate many hits. One for the page and one for each element on the page. Before my post I looked at your page with my Safari browser and it 24 items.

    Thread Starter Kahil


    i only show you, i’m assuming it was you cause the referrer was this thread, only giving me 5 hits and referres for each page you visited… before you, I got 23 hits from Java/1.5.0_04, which is a bot, a bad one at that…

    My browser would show up something like “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/312.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/312”. I’ve visited your main page before my first post, and again before my second post. Each time it downloaded 24 items, mostly jpgs, a few pngs, and a couple CSS files.

    No doubt you are being visited by bots, but Your post referring to “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)” is a visitor using Internet Explorer.

    That bot Java/1.5.0_04 is a VERY bad one.
    Block it.

    Better people than me may advise, but for now:
    In your main .htaccess file, put these two lines at the top:

    SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent “^Java/1.5.0_04” getout
    SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent “^Java/1.5.0” getout

    Then put these few lines:

    <Files *>
    order deny,allow
    deny from env=getout
    allow from env=allowsome

    Ignore the ‘allowsome’ bit – it being there is not a problem.
    Upload the .htaccess
    Check your site still works (it should unless you’ve made an error. If you have made an error, download the .htaccess and correct it.)

    That bot has been spotted rampaging through sites so block it.

    Thread Starter Kahil


    thank you podz!!!

    tooferab, i’m still only showing you hitting a couple times, so i’m not sure what you are saying there… but that one has to be a bot, cause looking at it again, it was trying to go to pages that there are no links for, and for a human being to be sitting there doing that themselves, it would still be impossible for a person to do that many hits in just under two minutes…

    Thread Starter Kahil


    is it possible to block by IP address? most of them seem to be coming from the same IP addresses… or would that be a bad idea?

    Banning by IP is generally a bad idea, but doing it for a couple of weeks could be useful.

    If, and ONLY if they are the same IP’s as listed here, just copy and paste this block next to the ‘java’ lines:

    SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^62\.194\.115\.68$ getout
    SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^62\.194\.0\.70$ getout
    SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^70\.81\.40\.22$ getout
    SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^66\.246\.246\.25$ getout

    If the IP’s are different, just carefully follow the pattern.

    – do this with your ftp client open so if it breaks things you can download and delete the .htaccess
    – unblock the IP’s and check after a while. The bots will move on and you’ll block innocent people.

    Thread Starter Kahil


    is there a list of the supposed “good bots”? and is there a way to limit them, to say once a day or once a week?


    also, I am getting this bot that says its from google, but it is going to images, temporary captcha images at that… Googlebot-Image/1.0

    i’ve been hit by googlebot before, but never like this… could this be one of those “imposter bots”? when i do a whois search on the IP address it does come back as google…

    Thread Starter Kahil


    is anyone having problems with the yahoo and google bots? i’ve just noticed that lately they both are really at it nonstop and now that they have gone to all my pages/links, they are making up their own links… could some other bot be masking themselves as these bots? if so, is there a way to stop or at least limit the visits from these bots?

    thank you

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