• Hi and thanx for the great plugin.

    on the same page 3 [abase] : 1 for the result, one for the search and one for the update

    [abase table=”pb_media” elements=”id,Media^nom_media,Editeur^id_editeur|nom_editeur” where=”AND status=’1′”echo=”0″ left=”*” rlink=”nom_media” ack=”green” limit=”5″]

    [abase form=”1,search” table=”pb_media” columns=”nom_media=%nom_media%$Recherche Media” elements=”nom_media” ack=”green” center=”*” ]

    [abase form=”1,update” table=”pb_media” elements=”Media^nom_media!’width:150px’,Editeur^id_editeur!’width:150px’$Update” left=”*” ack=”brown” echo=”0″]

    When I click on the link generated by rlink, there is a fatal error:

    #1. [abase table=”pb_media” elements=”id,Media^nom_media,Editeur^id_editeur|nom_editeur” limit=”5″ left=”*” rlink=”nom_media” ack=”green”]
    Fatal Error (1432)
    Column ‘id’ in where clause is ambiguous
    SELECT * FROM pb_media LEFT JOIN pb_editeur AS pb_media$id_editeur$pb_editeur ON pb_media.id_editeur=pb_media$id_editeur$pb_editeur.id WHERE id=’1′ LIMIT 5 table_error = ” cols_in = ” fields_in = ” columns_in = ‘*’ form = ”

    The sql code generated by [abase] is not correct. The right code is WHERE pb_media.id = 1 instead of WHERE id = ‘1’
    I’ve tested with table name before and it works inside a mysql query.

    The 3 [abase] shortcodes work perfectly with a table with no foreign keys because there is only one table and of course no ambiguity ??

    Where in the abase.php can I add the current table variable to generate the right mysql query ? (but it would be better to add it in the release)
    Note: the current table name before the fields in WHERE clause can be universal to every queries.(even on single table queries)




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