• I am crestfallen and disillusioned as I find that the WordPress royalty has deemed to ban Suffusion from the World of WordPress. I have been using WordPress, as a developer, since shortly after it appeared. In the early days having to make significant changes to make it into a real CMS for non-blog websites. For much of that time, I was constantly confronted with perhaps the most challenging aspect of developing with WordPress – installing and evaluating hundreds of themes in the vague hopes of finding one that might both be competently written, and offer sufficient flexibility to meet the needs of a commercial website. Then, I found Suffusion! It worked perfectly, and it offered more flexibility in layout and design than the next ten themes combined. MY frustrating and continuous hunt was over, and for several years, and countless websites, I happily deployed Suffusion with nary a whimper and never an issue. Now, it is gone at the same time I have hundreds of websites dependent on it, and, even as this is written another mid-size website in development with it. I went to update to the latest version and it is not to be found. I am fearful now, that because of a perceived dislike of Sayontan, there may be an active attempt made to break suffusion in some future WP release – causing all that work to go up in smoke and the websites to crash. I say that, not in spite, but only because I can not think of any other reason such a useful tools has been removed from WordPress…

    Is there anything that can be done? Is there any way we can get access to this theme back? Or, do I move to Drupal?

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