You asked us for lots of customization and here is reply from our side on your ticket created on our website:
For your query,
1) I wanted to change the format of the testimonial form. There was another testimonial plugin that I played around with, and even their free version had a form, AND you could customize it.
Ans – Right now there is no functionality to change the testimonial form without updating plugin. It is not a simple customization because we have added Jquery validation as well as done Server side (PHP) validation on that. After that we need to save the extra fields and need to display on appropriate place.
So it is not small job that’s why we have asked you about the PRO JOB support because we need to invest our time and we need to think about all the customers also.
2) A common testimonial format is masonry, but you don’t seem to show that option, thus when you have a long testimonial next to a short one, you end up with a lot of white space before getting to the next testimonial
Ans – Sorry, we do not provide masonry layout I think there is some misunderstanding in this. Right now plugin does not provide any masonry layout. It would be good if you can share web page link on which you had setup the plugin so we will check and try to understand what is going on.
3) Your grid format is for 3 testimonials in a row, but why can’t we customize it to only show 2, or 4 if we wanted.
Ans – Yes, You can easily change the testimonials row to one, two, three and four. It is simple you just need to pass shortcode parameter. Please refer below shortcode
If you are using grid shortcode then you can use [sp_testimonials per_row=”2″]
If you are using slider shortcode then you can use [sp_testimonials_slider slides_column=”1″]
4) You full codes for the grid and slider do not work (nothing shows).
[sp_testimonials limit=”5″ design=”design-1″ per_row=”3″ orderby=”date” order=”ASC” category=”5″ include_cat_child=”true” display_client=”true” display_avatar=”true” display_job=”true” display_company=”true” image_style=”square” size=”100″ show_rating=”true” show_title=”true” posts=”5,10″ exclude_post=”5,10″ exclude_cat=”5,10″]
Ans – The plugin is working as it should. Our none of the client has raised this type of issue that shortcode is not working.
As per your shortcode you have added category=”5″ (Display Testimonial of Category 5) posts=”5,10″ (Display specific Testimonial post id 5 and 10) exclude_post=”5,10″ (Do not display Testimonial post 5 and 10) exclude_cat=”5,10″ (Do not display Testimonial Category 5 and 10)
So you will not get any output because there should be proper data means testimonial category and testimonial post have valid ID so be sure which parameter you want to use.
5) I’ve noticed that you can’t choose individual testimonials as they don’t have individual codes.
Ans – Sorry, I did not get your point. You want to show some specific testimonial?
6) You aren’t able to do excerpts of the testimonial. For example, for a full testimonial page it would be good to have the full testimonial, but for a slider it would be good to have the option to only provide an except (even just the title) with a link to the full page.
Ans – Thanks for your suggestion. We will consider as a featured request and we will add it in our next update.
If there is bug or issue in our plugin then we are willingly happy to resolve it with out any issue. We only ask customers to pay if there is customization in which we have to invest our time because sometime customer ask for customization which suits them but we have to take care of other clients also if that is not possible then we create small add-on (Child Plugin) so client can use it according to their requirement.
Please check and update me for the same.
Thanks and Regards,
WP Online Support