• Hi,

    I use the Hueman theme on my website.
    I had switched the left sidebar to the right sidebar thru Widgets in Customize,
    but its not working, either them didn’t show up in my Blog page.

    I had tried the solutions by people who had the same prob as mine,
    but still they were not working.

    How can I make the right sidebar appearing?

    Thanks in advanced.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi
    Please check the link below
    Customizr Theme options : Pages and posts layout

    Thank you

    Best wishes

    Thread Starter jucelyn


    Thank you for your information, I had solved the prob.

    At first I were confused with the solution in Customizr,
    that’s why I went to browse for more info, still not working.

    Finally I found the solution by adding the module of ‘WordPress widget area’,
    then only the right side bar could be added.

    Thank you

    Best wishes

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