• I have just created a custom theme at https://www.terrigalhotel.com.au/news to match the artwork for the rest of the website. I can’t seem to get the right column with the search area & archives nav to sit up to the top of the page.

    I’m sure it’s something simple in the css, but I have been staring at it and tweaking it for ages and can’t figure it out. Can anyone help?

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  • Try moving the sidebar code above div#wpcontent in the HTML. Or else float wpcontent left and take the float off of the sidebar.

    Better yet, use tables instead of floats. I hate floats with a passion (although I realize I’m in the minority here). They break easily, especially in IE. Usually I use Firefox, but when I use IE, I frequently see blogs with their sidebars down at the bottom.

    99.99% of floats breaking in ie are caused by people posting 500pixel wide images into 300pixel wide divs.

    Right, which happens frequently on blogs. You have a theme that allows only 300px for the content, and if the content is any wider, then the sidebar falls to the bottom. But then users upload a 310px photo to their blog, and bam, broken.

    frequently on blogs (run by people that dont know any better)…

    I hear what you’re saying, trust me, I just think it’s a user issue and not a float issue. Floats are awesome ?? I think.

    You , of course, didn’t say that was why you hated them – Im jsut guessing thats one of the reasons?

    Two pretty easy fixes for that are:

    1) Never upload a pic that’s wider than the container you will be displaying it in.

    2) Apply a “width” attribute to the image so that it displays smaller than the container it is in.

    Recognizing that we’ve deviated substantially from sparrowdog’s original question (my fault)…

    The reason I hate them is that users screw them up. Usually because of the picture thing. This isn’t a problem for most websites, but for WP themes it is, since your typical user isn’t aware of what they need to do.

    @jabecker: right on. But that’s something most users (of WP templates) don’t understand.

    That’s all. I know I’m in the minority, although I do have table-based sites like news.google.com to make me happy.

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