• This is really getting agitating. I created an XML file with custom info pulled from a DB in wordpress’ import format. However, when trying to import into wordpress I got a page already exists error. However, I was able to create a few of them before and after via the control panel with no issues. every one of them had unique post_id’s though some had matching titles, just with different page parents.

    So, after giving up on that I wrote a loop to pull the data from the db and use the wp_insert_posts query. Worked great for the first several hundred pages and then all of a sudden everything was gone from the control panel, though was still in the database.

    I’ve been reading the forums all morning and seeing people with similar problems but no answers. Can someone please possibly explain why I am using WordPress’ methods of inputting data programmatically and cannot do it, yet have no issues doing it manually?

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  • Thread Starter timtrice


    Let me clarify my issue in desperate hopes someone knows the answer. From what I’ve seen in search results, no one seems to know.

    First, I was having an issue importing WordPress’ import file…I kept getting errors that MOST pages already existed (it was an empty database). So after posting my issue in the WordPress forums and receiving no responses, I decided to do it myself. I wrote function to pull the data from my other database and insert into WordPress using WordPress’ functions (wp_insert_post and add_post_meta). Everything went great till I got around 700 or so and then it stopped. 728, to be exact. The funny thing is if I delete the last set of pages that were entered (to assure I get the parent id’s correct), I can run the script again and it’ll execute the exact same number of inputs (9) before stopping again. In addition, if I try to pull up the pages thorugh the Admin I’m told by WordPress there are NO pages…though I see them in the DB. However, if I delete the last entry, WordPress Admin shows ALL the pages. Yet, if I try to execute my script from that point it enters one more entry and then stops. Back to square one – nothing in Admin.

    I figured this may be a database issue such as exceeding the id datatype or something…but that’s set as a bigint…20 characters. i’m not even close (~1250).

    This issue has become extremely frustrating. My original site was in CakePHP and my issues were my own. I wanted to move to WordPress to focus more on adding features as opposed to having to cnostantly update the app. But, this is just absolutely ridiculous.

    Thread Starter timtrice


    Let me also clarify I’ve examined then differences between the record that stops the pages (the last record) from showing up and the record prior (that shows up if last record is deleted) and there are no differences other than date/time fields. WordPress is acting as if I’ve reached my maximum limit of pages to be created (728 I seriously doubt is “max”).

    Thread Starter timtrice


    Entering them directly into database and even the WordPress backend does not work either. It seems like WordPress has a limit of 728 pages and I just cannot enter anymore. They go into the database. I get no error messages from WordPress (it says the page was saved). But when I click to view the page I get a 404 error. When I go to edit pages I’m told I have none. This is freaking ridiculous.

    Thread Starter timtrice


    converted the last record to a post and everything was working. Was able to add new posts and what-not. Still, however, cannot add new pages. When I converted the post back to a page everything starting jacking up again. This is something on the WordPress programming side causing these issues and unless someone can point me in the right direction I’m done with this shit. This is not a database issue. This is not a file rights issue. This is WordPress plain and simple. I wasted 5 days trying to fix this and have noticed while several have had similar issues since ’05 there have been no clear cut resolutions and it’s absoutely fucking pathetic. I’d be much better off just continuing using CakePHP. I wanted the convenience of a CMS but this bullshit just isn’t worth it.

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