• Resolved thegrbteam


    Hello, thank you for making this plugin. We’re creating a website using BuddyBoss and this will be very helpful to move in almost 4000 users. We do have two issues though that would be great to get your advice on please.

    Firstly, I exported a freshly created user so all the correct meta was present and I could study the CSV. Then I created my own user based of this, just editing some parts like deleting login dates, session tokens etc. It imported the user almost perfectly, just two issues:

    1. Imported users do not have permissions to view the Rich Text Editor. I compared to users created using the frontend forms and they can see the Rich Text Editor when editing a profile: https://prnt.sc/J8WGd-N-llYt and this is what the imported user sees: https://prnt.sc/hLslI7s29zJR
    I could not see an meta in the export that mentions Rich Text Editor user permissions or similar

    2. This custom profile field that contains a profile link (LinkedIn in this case) does not populate: https://prnt.sc/UrYHMeK5Yf1b the data is in the import, labelled the same as the export

    Thanks so much in advance!!


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  • Plugin Author Javier Carazo



    I answer you:

    1. Surely the problem is about roles and capabilities. This is not problem from the import/export the problem is in your capabilities inside your roles. I cannot help you with it.
    2. The problem would be in the way you have called those field in the new site
    Thread Starter thegrbteam



    Thank you for your reply. I’m sure it is that issue too however, if I…

    1. Export all the data of a user that has no Rich Text editor issues using your plugin
    2. Then delete this user
    3. Then import the user back in without editing the export file

    We would expect it to work?

    Otherwise it means your export feature is not exporting everything needed to support BuddyPress/BuddyBoss and no one could actually use it for those platforms without creating this issue.

    Since you support it and mention it in your description and settings, this would be important to address perhaps?

    Thank you again

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    I don’t know… this is not an issue from the plugin. This is a problem in your site with another plugin and I cannot help you from here.

    With respect to the second one, I am sorry to say that you are wrong. The plugin exports and imports all user data. It does it for free and we provide up-to-the-minute support. But we can’t move the data structure that BuddyPress uses internally, you define it and it’s not something the plugin can move because it’s not relative to a user, it’s relative to your site.
    It would be best if you took care that it is the same between sites so that when you import the data it can be saved on your site.

    Thread Starter thegrbteam


    Thank you for your reply.
    Of course before I reached out on this thread I made sure I replicated this on a fresh install, default theme, one user only.

    I thought this would be helpful for you to know that there is a piece of meta missing in your user export when it comes to BuddyPress support but I guess you want to dismiss it, that’s ok.

    I will work it out and share here for the community.

    All the best.

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo



    BuddyPress does not use meta, so this is not meta as it is. This would be a BuddyPress field (the Linkedin profile URL). And as this is a text field it surely would be in the export.

    Did you check it?

    Thread Starter thegrbteam


    We resolved this issue by including the column rich_editing and the value as TRUE

    Sorry for the double question in this thread, I’ll start a different one addressing the LinkedIn URL import.

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo



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